Neighbors warn of worsening traffic, but West Hartford OK’s new Starbucks in town’s south end

West Hartford leaders approved a new Starbucks with a drive-through Wednesday night, but several residents complained that traffic in the south end of town is bad and getting worse.

The town council acknowledged that heavy congestion and speeding are problematic near the property at 433 South Main St., but said a Starbucks won’t have a significant impact.

Council members said they may try a broad-based approach to easing the traffic crunch in several parts of town, but said there’s no reason to reject a relatively small business that wants to open in a commercial zone where congestion is already serious.

“Our community is attracting new business because business wants to be in West Hartford,” Deputy Mayor Leon Davidoff said. “We’re thoughtful as to how we decide what development should look like. We’re not settling for second best.”

Mayor Shari Cantor said she understands neighbors’ concerns because traffic is heavy throughout town, but also added that it reflects West Hartford’s popularity.

“Traffic is a sign of success,” she said. “You don’t want to be a town without traffic.”

During an hour-long hearing, Davenport Road homeowner Jim Reardon argued against the proposal, saying he, his daughter and his mother-in-law all have been in separate traffic accidents near the site.

The council unanimously approved an amendment to the special development district to allow a roughly 2,400-square-foot Starbucks with a drive-through in front of the Corporate Center West office building.

Larry Shipman, attorney for Corporate Center West LLC, said there are plans for additional development of empty land around the office building. He said that approach complies with the town’s development plan, which endorses building on underused land in existing commercial zones.

“The project overall contemplates potential future development. We hope to be before you in the near future with additional applications,” Shipman told the council.

The Starbucks plan uses about an acre for the building, 29 parking spaces, a drive-through lane with space for about a dozen vehicles to line up.

There will be room for about 30 customers inside, and another 30 on an outdoor patio, Shipman said. The location would probably be open from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Shipman said there will be extensive landscaping to make the property attractive, and promised LED lighting in the parking to avoid creating glare for nearby homes. He said Starbucks will create about 30 jobs and will encourage pedestrian traffic in the area.

But several neighbors opposed it, largely citing worries about traffic.

“This area is incredibly dangerous, it’s horrible,” Reardon told the council. “This area doesn’t need more traffic, not for something that’s being billed as an amenity.”

Lindsey Wolejko of Knollwood Road agreed, saying pedestrians are reluctant to walk in that area.

“We on Knollwood have been landlocked by New Britain Avenue and South Main (traffic),” she said.

“The traffic is absolutely ridiculous. New Britain Avenue is a race track,” said Eileen Rausch of Thorn Road. “Traffic lights mean nothing at this end of town.”

But Shipman and a traffic engineer hired by his client both said Starbucks won’t substantially worsen traffic. At the peak of rush hour, the store won’t generate more than two vehicle trips a minute, according to the developer.

Coffee shops mostly pick up business from existing traffic, Shipman said, adding that “West Farms mall being around the corner is probably the biggest driver of traffic in that area.”

Cantor and several council members said the town should consider more measures to reduce speeds and needless intersection backups.

“We should look at speed tables and ‘don’t block the box’ (signs) in the area,” council member Liam Sweeney said.