How a network of Cape Cod religious organizations are helping save the environment

In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, God gives mankind dominion over “the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”

Here on Cape Cod, a network of faith organizations is sending the message that dominion means stewardship ― encouraging congregations to save the planet.

The ecumenical Faith Community Environmental Network (FCEN) leaders say it has been growing for the past five years and now includes about five dozen churches, synagogues and other faith-based congregations.

Earth Day is Saturday, April 22. The Faith Community Environmental Network, one arm of the Cape Cod Climate Collaborative, is joining other local environmentalists for hands-on projects that run the length of the Cape so most everyone can find a way to help close to home.

Visit the network’s page on the collaborative website, at to find a full listing of services and service projects for Earth Day and beyond or check out one of the events listed here.

The network’s purpose goes well beyond Earth Day.

The leaders of congregations are asking their flocks to choose a more ethical, just way of living every day, ranging from recycling to rethinking consumer choices.

“It’s a moral transformation. Our moral values change our behavior, our community beliefs shape policy. I see the climate movement much like the ‘60s transformation around race and civil rights,” said Brian McGurk, rector of St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church in Chatham.

Lew Stern of Falmouth, retired psychologist and longtime eco-justice advocate, is co-chair of the network.

“This (effort) is not just here. This is going on all over the country,” he said. “Most people don’t know how much is going on. There are over 100 groups on Cape working to really turn ourselves around. It’s giving up the way we live to live for the future so our children can survive.”

Marykay Fox and Dave O'Malley join other volunteers this week to help with the Wood Neck Beach fence repair in Falmouth.
Marykay Fox and Dave O'Malley join other volunteers this week to help with the Wood Neck Beach fence repair in Falmouth.

Stern was one of 10 people over the past month rebuilding a storm fence at Wood Neck Beach in Falmouth Heights.

But the eco-justice for which he advocates goes beyond projects to everyday life decisions, including energy-efficient lightbulbs and appliances, awareness of packaging to reduce recycling, electric cars, choosing heat-conducting stovetops over natural gas and eating organic foods.

The list goes on. Stern is the first to admit that it can feel overwhelming and that not everyone can afford to make environmentally-friendly choices like electric cars.

“We got a grant to reach out to people who can’t afford doing things,” Stern said. “We have a Climate Cafe, reaching out to people to get discounts on renewable energy and discounts on taxes even if they are renting.”

Members of the veterinary team at the New England Wildlife Centers' Birdsey center in Barnstable treat MK, a beloved bald eagle who's nested for a number of years in the Mystic River Watershed with her mate, KZ. Despite best efforts, MK died, likely from having ingested rat poison through tainted prey.
Members of the veterinary team at the New England Wildlife Centers' Birdsey center in Barnstable treat MK, a beloved bald eagle who's nested for a number of years in the Mystic River Watershed with her mate, KZ. Despite best efforts, MK died, likely from having ingested rat poison through tainted prey.

'Get active, share your actions with others and advocate for public policy changes'

Stern, who grew up Jewish and is now a Unitarian Universalist, said religions may have differing belief systems, but he doesn't know of one that doesn't want a safe, clean world to pass on.

“Get active, share your actions with others and advocate for public policy changes, like the plastic bottle bans we’ve been seeing,” Stern said. “We need to change how we live, but we also need to inspire hope in other people."

Rev. McGurk said his church added 108 solar panels and went to using all-green cleaning products as a start.

“In my faith community, we have 600 members. You can inspire and motivate within the church and bring it outward.”

Here is a sampling of Earth Day events on Cape Cod, all open to the public:

April 21

Harwich Climate Action Network: “Earth Day Celebration”: Auditorium/Activity Wing, 204 Sisson Road; Art show, Children’s activities, speaker Andrew Gottlieb, Executive Director, APCC.  3:30-6 p.m.

April 22

St Christopher’s Episcopal Church“Earth Day: A Contemplative Service” at Oyster Pond, 80 Stage Harbor Road, Chatham 10-11 a.m. Learn about other Earth Week events at

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Falmouth: 840 Sandwich Road, East Falmouth, Earth Day Service, 10-11 a.m.

Unity on Cape Cod, Hyannis: 147 Walton Ave., Earth Day Service, 10-11 a.m., followed by vegan/vegetarian celebratory meal.

April 29

Dennis Union Church: 713 Main St “Doing Justice to Creation: How Faith Communities Can Help Us Tackle the Climate Crisis”, 6 p.m. Led by the Rev. Matthew Myer Boulton. (You can hear Rev. Boulton on his podcast, "Strange New World").

May 4

Dennis Union Church: 713 Main St, “FCEN: Education, Advocacy, Sharing Best Practices to Inspire Hope, Action, and Eco-Justice” Presenters Susan Starkey and Lew Stern, co-chairs, 12 -2 p.m..

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This article originally appeared on Cape Cod Times: Cape Cod religion works to save the environment beyond Earth Day