Neuroscientist Explores Mental Benefits of Yoga for TikTok Followers

A California-based neuroscientist with almost 500,000 followers on TikTok took to the platform recently to share the potential mental health benefits of yoga.

In just over a minute, Palo Alto native Dr Ben Rein noted that there is evidence to suggest that yoga can have a beneficial impact for those suffering from depression, anxiety, panic disorder and PTSD.

Moreover, he pointed to a study that suggested high school students that took yoga classes, as opposed to gym classes, saw an increase in their grade point average (GPA) scores.

“Bottom line, I think I’m gonna start doing yoga,” he said.

The video is one of many on Rein’s account that explains to his followers in simple terms how the brain works. As his TikTok bio says, “I explain the brain, but without all the mumbo-jumbo.” Credit: Ben Rein via Storyful