You will never be as cool as this 6-year-old with a fidget spinner haircut

When I was a little kid I loved yo-yos and wanted a rat tail, and though my rat tail phase has since passed, I still regret never getting one.

Unfortunately for '90s kids, rat tails and yo-yos have since lost their charm on the youths of today, but a thingamajig called a fidget spinner has captured their hearts, and now their haircuts.

SEE ALSO: What's a fidget spinner? A look at the gadget people can't stop talking about

While everyone else is getting fades and hard parts, a young man named Ryan from Ireland showed off his younger brother's new haircut. Yes, the 6-year-old got a fidget spinner cut into the side of his head. 

Ryan said in an email that his brother got the cut at their local barber shop, and when he got home, he immediately went and showed his older brother his new do.

"At first I was just dying of laughter. I got my own fidget spinner and held it up to the cut to compare and he thought it was hilarious," Campbell said. 

The photo was also posted to r/JustFuckMyShitUp on Tuesday, a subreddit dedicated to terrible haircuts. The post quickly hit the front page of the site.

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