The Newest Samsung Tablet Is Here: Galaxy Tab S

Ryan Biden, senior director of Samsung Telecommunications America, took the stage at the Madison Square Theater to unveil the new devices at Samsung Galaxy Premiere 2014. DJ Lee, head of sales and marketing, joined him. The first device was a much anticipated tablet. 

"We are here tonight to introduce Samsung's commitment to our customers," said Lee as he began the tablet unveiling. The tablet, as expected, is the Samsung Galaxy Tab S. It comes in 8.4-inch and 10.5-inch variations. The Super AMOLED display pushes — you guessed it — color. Lee described the color range as exquisite as "the most beautiful jewelry." 

The incredibly thin new tablet also links with your Galaxy phone, very similar to what we saw from Apple at WWDC. Samsung is calling this SideSync. You can also remotely access your desktop computer; the Remote PC feature can be used for all the data on your desktop. 

Tab S will have a child friendly 'Kids Mode.' The parents in the audience gave this a round of applause. 

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While I was very impressed by the colors and AMOLED screen on the Galaxy Tab S, the connectivity features left something to be desired. 

The SideSync feature, which allows for a briefing widget, call forwarding, and file transfer, would be much more impressive if Apple didn't release it last week at WWDC. That is not to say it isn't a necessary feature to be a competitor, just they lost that battle in the tech war. 

For connectivity, Tab S has Wi-Fi 802.11AC MIMO, and a download booster, combining your 3G or 4G data, with Wi-Fi always for 30 seconds per gigabyte download. 

This is Samsung's first tablet to have a fingerprint scanner. There will be a multi-user mode. 

Both sizes will be available in July. The 8.4-inch 16 GB is $399, and it's $499 for the 10.5-inch in 16 GB. 

This article was originally published at

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