Newington Select Board candidate Jon Wendell

Jon Wendell
Jon Wendell

Name: Jon Wendell

Education: University of New Hampshire - bachelor of science in biochemistry. University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill - doctor of dental surgery. Harvard/Boston Children's Hospital - specialty in pediatric dentistry.

Occupation: Pediatric dentist

Political or civic experience highlights: Elected to the following boards in Greenland: Board of Selectmen, School Board, Planning Board, Zoning Board.

What are your top three priorities if elected?: First, we must work closely with the planning and zoning boards to help Newington protect its rural character from development. This includes ensuring there is no residential development in our commercial or industrial zones.

Second, it's essential we examine our zoning ordinances in concert with the planning and zoning boards. We need to identify areas in our commercial and industrial zones that might be better utilized by developers if their zoning was modified or a business over-lay district were established. Given the decreasing value of our power generating facilities on the waterfront, it's imperative we replace this loss in property value.

And crucial to these two initiatives, is to change how we interact with our volunteers and employees. With just over 800 residents, we do not have an abundance of folks willing to step up and help. We should be thankful for those that do and let them know it, while creating an environment that encourages others to step forward.

What is the biggest challenge the town is facing and how would you address it?: The gorilla in the back of them room has moved into the kitchen and he's damn hard to miss. He is in fact in every community on the Seacoast and he's the "Development Gorilla." Development is good for the seacoast, the challenge we are all facing now is the sheer scale of it and the valuations underlying residential and commercial development.

Because the seacoast will continue to be a sought after destination to work and live, these pressures will only increase with time. Adam Smith in 1776 nailed what comes next, with an insatiable demand comes a seemingly endless increase in prices. Look around you, few would deny we've arrived at an unprecedented juncture of prices and demand. And next come the problems.

First is a gentrification of communities where incomes of $150,000 are needed to afford an apartment, don't even think about a house. The second is because of the lofty values, projects that were previously not financially viable suddenly are money makers. This results in a general land grab for any property you can throw an apartment, condo or townhouse on.

Newington then is just like every other seacoast town. We're under tremendous pressure to build, build, build. My role as a Newington Selectman will be to work with our boards and committees and the best outside advisers we can find (land use attorneys, town planners...) to develop ordinances that encourage development that enhances our tax base while preserving the rural character of the town.

What else should voters know about you?: Serious stuff then lighter fare...

My time on the Greenland boards was fantastic. The town and boards there were much more in favor of residential and commercial development than is Newington. As such, my role on the boards was to try and ensure what we approved, was the best project feasible. The individuals on those boards were professional and collegial even when they had differing opinions. The current town administrator there, attorney Paul Sanderson, was a wealth of knowledge and sat on every board over the years. His full time job was on what is now the New Hampshire Municipal Association. That group of lawyers and associates who advise towns on what to do in virtually every situation. If you're willing to ask them.. And the Town Attorney was Peter Loughlin, the guy who wrote the New Hampshire rules on how municipalities should function.Simply put, a great education!

My family and I though prefer a smaller and slower approach to life and were incredibly fortunate to buy a home in Newington in 2018. We love it here, love the quiet rural character and the small community that is Newington. My goal in running is to preserve for future generations, what was started here a long time ago. And to encourage a greater sense of community.

See for more details. Fun stuff now

1. I'm terrified of horses.2. My father was the seventh son in a family of seven sons.3. My family is amazing, I love them lots.4. Ice cream cures what ails you, even if temporarily.

This article originally appeared on Portsmouth Herald: Newington Select Board candidate Jon Wendell