News on the Move: Ohio Rep. Steve Stivers to leave congress next month

Yahoo Finance's Seana Smith joined Yahoo Finance Live to break down the biggest headlines in today's News on the Move.

Video Transcript


- Time for your news on the move now. Republican Congressman Steve Stivers of Ohio announced on Twitter that he is stepping down next month to become president and CEO of the Ohio Chamber of Commerce. Now, this leaves the GOP with one less vote in the narrowly-divided House. A date for a special election to fill the seat has not yet been announced.

A doctor for Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny is warning that his health is rapidly deteriorating, that he could be on the verge of death. Now, recent test results from Navalny, who is on his third week of a hunger strike, showed risk of cardiac arrest from sharply elevated levels of potassium as well as signs of impaired kidneys.

And elite soccer clubs, including Manchester United and Real Madrid, announcing plans to abandon the Champions League and form an exclusive Super League. Now, major footballing bodies are condemning the league's plan, so threatening players of those teams that they will be barred from domestic and international competitions. JP Morgan is backing the Super League with 4.8 billion. And this is a story that we will continue to follow here at "Yahoo Finance."
