100 Years Ago: 'Greatest meeting of motor car owners' planned for Detroit's Hotel Statler

100 Years Ago

July 19, 1924 (The Adrian Daily Telegram did not publish a July 20 edition of the newspaper in 1924): Plans for holding what is expected to be in number of delegates, enthusiasm and achievement, the greatest meeting of motor car owners since the inception of the automobile have been completed, is according to a bulletin just issued at Washington, D. C., by the national headquarters of the new American Automobile Association. This meeting of which so much is expected will be the first convention of the old A. A. A. and N. M. A. since consolidation of the two great national bodies was effected and will mark the beginning of the twenty-third year of existence of the first-named organization, it is stated. July 7th and 8th have been named convention dates and the Hotel Statler, Detroit, the place. More than 600 delegates, representing local motor organizations, situated in every section of the United States, will attend, it is reported. Not only will this be the largest convention of its kind in the annals of organized motordom, it is said, but it will formally mark the end of the bitter warfare that has long existed among some of the country’s great automobile clubs, many of which, already powerful and influential in their respective communities, will be even more so with the added strength of nationwide organization.

This article originally appeared on The Daily Telegram: Daily Telegram 100 Years Ago for July 20, 2024