A 2nd Trump presidency would be a disaster for America. And it might not end there | Opinion

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While in France, former President Trump had an opportunity to visit an American WWI military cemetery, but he declined saying that our fallen soldiers were “suckers” and “losers.”

Convicted of a felony, Trump now attacks our judicial system, alleging it’s all “rigged.” Such baseless assertions are his M.O. If you listen carefully, you’ll notice the incredible vagueness of most GOP accusations: Elections are stolen. Global warming’s a hoax. Courts are corrupt.

But, specifically, how are the different judges, witnesses and jurists (of different political parties) all linked together in a massive judicial conspiracy? And how did such a rigged system find President Biden’s own son guilty?

Trump continuously has attacked the norms and institutions of our democracy. Making analogies with the Nazis of 1930s Germany used to be a malicious stretch. But not today. Spewing lies, promoting violence, and attacking the rule of law were their tactics. Ominously, numerous members of the GOP are now guided by such ideas.

A technique advocated by Hitler was to tell such huge lies that people couldn’t perceive them as false because lying is generally done on a smaller scale. Trump, claiming he won the 2020 election, is making such a lie. Another technique is to repeat a falsehood so often that it gradually seems more believable. This is an argumentative fallacy called proof by repeated assertion.

The situation is growing rapidly more dire as the rate of corruption in the Republican party accelerates. With Trump’s guilty verdict arose a chorus of complaints among GOP politicians that America’s legal system is rigged. Let us not forget, however, that the Constitution is the highest law of the land, and it specifies democratic elections. Attacking the rule of law and election integrity is assaulting the Constitution.

If he regains power, Trump will triple down on his previous attempts to thwart democratic institutions. The Justice Department will become his personal weapon. Henchmen will be released from prison, and ludicrous appointments will be made to important governmental posts. Michael Flynn, who was pardoned by Trump, might become secretary of defense. Steven Bannon could be the next attorney general. And imagine Marjorie Taylor Greene as secretary of state. Such people will rip the Constitution apart.

Trump will likely give Ukraine, if not more, to his idol, Vladimir Putin. NATO could fragment, endangering us all. And Trump will literally throw fuel on the ever-growing menace of global warming.

Some people say, “Well, I know Trump comes with baggage, but he made the economy strong, and the system will contain him.” Think again! Donald Trump inherited a growing economy. To that, he cut taxes and increased expenditures on national defense. That’s a stimulus package, used by most Republican presidents since Reagan. It accrues tremendous debt but allows them to crow about the economy.

Moreover, the democratic system of checks and balances might not be able to control Trump again. He’ll try to rule as a vengeful tyrant, and with his crony appointments (including judges), he might succeed. Furthermore, his crimes will be so extensive that he’ll need to remain in power to protect himself. Already Trump is exploring with ultranationalists how to serve more than one more term. His party should be called MAGA, for they’re not real Republicans, but instead extremists.

My Republican friends Trump is a sick, dishonest, malicious person who pretends to be Christian and believes elections and trials only count if he wins. Trump degrades everything he touches. Just look at the Jan. 6 mob and its awful implications for democracy. See how he attacks the Constitution and divides the nation by spreading hatred, fear, and paranoia. There’s nothing patriotic about supporting this disaster.

America does have social problems that need to be addressed, but Donald Trump is not the solution. Stand up for the Constitution!

Mark Mansperger, of Richland, WA., is a professor of anthropology. His research includes cultural ecology, societal development and political economy. The views presented in this column are his own.