Banner plane in Orange Beach pulls ad for OnlyFans account; mayor and beachgoers furious

ORANGE BEACH, Ala. (WKRG) — You know when you’re sitting at the beach, and planes fly by pulling banners to advertise something.

Over the weekend, a banner plane flew by advertising an OnlyFans account along Orange Beach.

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Orange Beach Mayor Tony Kennon said this is unacceptable.

“It’s sad because the banner is advertising pornography and who am I to tell an adult whether they should or should not,” Kennon said. “However, when you are pulling an advertisement for pornography down our beach in front of thousands of children, you’re a despicable individual.”

We spoke with some beachgoers who saw the banner.

“I don’t think that’s something meant for a family friendly area, keep that somewhere else,” someone said.

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Heather Tyler, who is visiting from Arkansas, said this should never happen in the area.

“There are little eyes and little ears, and they absorb every little thing,” Tyler said. “So if someone is flying something, and someone is looking at it, and someone goes, ‘Oh look at this, it’s OnlyFans. Let’s go to it and see what we can find.’ Kids will just absorb everything said.”

“I think that anything you post or put out for the public should be family friendly,” another beachgoer said.

But others look at this issue differently.

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“I honestly don’t think it’s a big deal, and I don’t mind,” another local said. “We do have lots of nephews and nieces here. And to be honest, if we saw that we wouldn’t mind because they’re young, and they don’t know.”

“I think you got to advertise somehow, so it makes sense,” a beachgoer said.

Mayor Kennon said there is nothing the city can do about the situation.

“We have absolutely no jurisdiction whatsoever,” Kennon said. “No say, so pretty much the FAA is regulated by them. Wish we could, but we don’t.”

Mayor Kennon said he wants Orange Beach to remain family friendly and thinks the banner plane companies should have more rules and regulations on what can and cannot be advertised in the air.

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