Black Americans — Tell Us The Most Important Political Issue To You In 2024

Hello, everyone! We're back for round four of BuzzFeed's 2024 Election Diaries!

This bi-weekly series highlights different groups of voters nationwide to find out what political issues are most important to them AND who they plan to support for president in 2024.

June 19 is Juneteenth, a holiday commemorating the ending of slavery in the US, so we're highlighting the voices of Black voters.

Two women smile while holding American flags. Both women are wearing "I Voted" stickers
SDI Productions / Getty Images

So, if you're a Black voter, what political issues are most important to you in 2024?

Maybe your state has passed new voting laws that make it more difficult to vote, so voter suppression is your #1 issue:

Person wearing a shirt with the text "Black Voters Still Matter" and sunglasses hanging from the collar
Win McNamee / Getty Images

Maybe racial violence in your community has risen in the last few years, and you want things to be better for the younger generations.

A group of protestors, led by a man holding a sign that reads "End Racism," marches holding signs with messages advocating for justice and equality
LeoPatrizi / Getty Images

Or maybe you're a doctor, and you see the racial healthcare inequalities on a day-to-day basis.

A doctor discusses paperwork with a patient who sits on an examination table in a medical office
SeventyFour / Getty Images

Black voters —whatever your top political issues are, we want to hear about them! Tell us everything via this anonymous Google form.

If you are reading this and you're not a Black voter, don't worry! New groups of voters will be requested bi-weekly! Also, if you don't qualify for this round but know someone who does, please send it their way!