Council member Frazier seeks $2 million from Bluffton over what she calls false traffic arrest.

Bluffton Town Council Member Bridgette Frazier is demanding $2 million from the Town of Bluffton as compensation for her claims of “false arrest and false imprisonment” stemming from a March 9 traffic stop. Frazier was re-elected to the at-large seat on town council in November.

Frazier was pulled over for speeding by the town’s police department near the intersection of Bluffton Parkway and Persimmon Street. She was subsequently arrested for allegedly driving with a suspended license. “The suspect’s driving record was extensive with an abundance of suspensions for the same violation along with others. These factors coupled with her current suspension aided in my determination to place the suspect under arrest,” Officer Ramirez wrote in the report.

Frazier is demanding Bluffton pays her the $2 million, by Monday evening, to “resolve the matter in a quick, quiet and amicable manner,” according to a letter from Frazier’s attorney, Tiffany Spann-Wilder. She sent the demand on June 25 to the town and it was obtained Monday by The Island Packet and Beaufort Gazette through a Freedom of Information Act request. The letter cites that the charges against Frazier were dropped.

The demand is good until 5 p.m. Monday.

The three-page letter claims Frazier was never read her Miranda warnings, that the arresting officer’s supervisor advised not to arrest her and that the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles indicated an error appeared on Frazier’s driving record at the time of the arrest. The Bluffton Police Chief Joe Babkiewicz advised he was aware of the demand letter but had no further comment.

“Clearly poor judgment was used to arrest Ms. Frazier,” her attorney wrote. “Officer Ramirez could have simply issued a courtesy summons to Ms. Frazier who was and still serves as a Council Member for the Town of Bluffton. She obviously was not going to flee from the area.”

The letter also alleges that officers were turning their body cameras off and on while discussing the arrest, quoting the officers as saying “You are my hero” and “It is not right” during the discussion.

“In this case, liability is obvious and inescapable. It was negligence, negligent supervision, false arrest and false imprisonment that caused tremendous damage to my client,” the letter reads.

The letter concludes with the $2 million demand stating the amount was determined “based upon damages which can be substantiated and in line with recent jury verdicts and settlements for similar cases.”

After winning re-election last year, Frazier will hold her seat on the town council until 2028.

Bluffton Mayor Larry Toomer declined to comment while the matter is being addressed between attorneys.

Attempts to reach Frazier were unsuccessful.