Boeing CEO admits company has retaliated against whistleblowers during Senate hearing: ‘I know it happens’

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The CEO of Boeing has admitted the company retaliated against whistleblowers who have spoken out against alleged production malpractices, telling a special Senate hearing: “I know it happens.”

David Calhoun apologized to the families of Boeing crash victims, saying the manufacturer was “totally committed” to future saftey improvements, as he began testimony at the committee on Tuesday.

It comes as the embattled aircraft manufacturer faces a string of lawsuits relating to malpractice, after a door plug of a 737 Max 9 blew off during an Alaska Airlines flight in January.

Multiple whistleblowers have since come forward with concerns about violations of safety during production inspections, and many have claimed they were “retaliated” against by Boeing.

Asked about how many Boeing employees had been disciplined for retaliating against whistleblowers, Calhoun responded: “I don't have that number on the tip of my tongue, but I know it. I know it happens.”

Senator Richard Blumenthal, who chaired the hearing told him: “You have a duty to demand the highest safety standards... and [ensure] that ‘speak up’ in fact means speak up, not shut up, as it is meant all too often.”

Key Points

  • Boeing CEO David Calhoun apologizes to families of crash victims

  • Whistleblower John Barnett’s death was ‘heartbreaking’ says Boeing CEO

  • In pictures: Boeing CEO Senate hearing

  • David Calhoun accused of ‘strip mining’ Boeing in tense exchange with Senator

Dead whistleblower’s lawyer: ‘His life’s work was not in vain’

23:37 , Mike Bedigan

An attorney for the Boeing whistleblower, the late John Barnett, has said Tuesday’s senate hearing into Boeing’s alleged malpractices has proved that his client’s life’s work “was not in vain.”

In a statement shared with The Independent, Rob Turkewitz said: “In testimony before a Senate subcommittee, we heard loud and clear that John Barnett’s life’s work was not in vain.

“John’s legacy is the bravery he showed in blowing the whistle on Boeing, and his tireless commitment to public safety. John, and the other whistleblowers who had the courage to stand with him, have woken up the government and the American people to the major safety crisis Boeing created and is responsible for.

“Boeing’s CEO Dave Calhoun had his own reckoning before the Senate subcommittee, acknowledging that he had never spoken to any of the whistleblowers.

“Calhoun in no uncertain terms was admonished by US Senators that turning a deaf ear on whistleblowers would not be tolerated and had to change immediately at Boeing.”

Barnett, 62, a quality control engineer at Boeing for 32 years, was found dead at a South Carolina hotel in March, from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. A coroner later ruled that he died by suicide. At the time he was testifying in a lawsuit against the aircraft manufacturer.

Asked how he felt about the news of Barnett’s death during the hearing, Calhoun replied: “Heartbroken”.

Families unsatisfied by Boeing CEO testimony

23:00 , Mike Bedigan

Clariss Moore — mother of Danielle Moore, a traveler who died in a crash in Ethiopia in 2019 — shouted “how could you?” as David Calhoun left Tuesday’s Senate hearing.

In an interview with CNN, Moore later said that she was not satisfied with Calhoun’s apology and called for criminal prosecution against him and other executives of the manufacturer.

“What is justice? What is accountability? They should be in jail,” she said.

Boeing CEO apologizes to crash victims’ families at tense Senate hearing

22:35 , Mike Bedigan

Boeing CEO David Calhoun apologized to the families of crash victims, saying the embattled company was “totally committed” to future aircraft safety, as he faced an intense grilling at a special Senate hearing.

Read more here:

Boeing CEO apologizes to crash victims’ families at tense Senate hearing

Watch: Boeing CEO apologizes to families of plane crash victims during Senate hearing

22:15 , Mike Bedigan

Live coverage over

22:10 , Mike Bedigan

The Independent’s live coverage of the Boeing Senate hearing has now ended.

Check back for further updates when they come.

Latest Boeing whistleblower predicts ‘other things hiding in the bushes’ at beleaguered aircraft manufacturer

21:55 , Mike Bedigan

Another Boeing whistleblower has predicted there are “other things hiding in the bushes” that may cause future disaster, as safety concerns continue to mount over the beleaguered aircraft manufacturer.

Roy Irvin, who worked as a quality investigator for Boeing for six years, said the aircraft manufacturer was “infested with ‘yes men’ and bean-counters”, and that the company would “tear down and rebuild” to make significant progress.

Read The Indpendent’s exclusive story here:

Latest Boeing whistleblower suggests ‘infested’ company ‘should be torn down’

In pictures: David Calhoun faces intense questioning at Senate hearing

21:38 , Mike Bedigan


Emotions rise as Boeing Senate hearing ends

21:03 , Mike Bedigan

Emotions ran high as the special Senate hearing into Boeing concluded, with family members of crash victims shouting at CEO David Calhoun as he left the chamber.

“How could you? How could you?” one woman was heard to shout, as Calhoun left following around two hours of grilling. Calhoun did not appear to reply.

Senator Richard Blumenthal concluded the hearing by reminding Calhoun that the safety issues at Boeing were “a matter of life and death.”

“I think that you’ve certainly demonstrated that you can talk about these changes, but making the changes may well require a different team and accountability is very important for the past, but also going forward for the future.

“We look forward to hearing more from Boeing. I look forward to hearing from the airlines... and we are going to pursue many of these issues, because they are a matter of life and death. And they have profound consequences to our economy and to the traveling public.

Senator Blumenthal went on to thank the hearing attendees, especially the families of the victims, adding that the Senate continued to encourage further whistleblowers to come forward.

Senator Hawley to Calhoun: ‘You’re the problem'

20:54 , Mike Bedigan

Missouri Senator Josh Hawley accused Boeing CEO David Calhoun of trying to blame the company’s problems on the employees, telling him “you’re the problem.”

“I don’t think the problem’s with the employees,” Hawley said in another searing attack. “I think the problem’s with you. You. It’s the c-suite. It’s the management. It’s what you’ve done to this company. That’s where the problem is.”

Hawley said Boeing’s machinists and engineers are probably the best in the world.

“You’re the problem,” he said to Calhoun. “And I just hope to God you don’t destroy this company before it can be saved.”

Whistleblower John Barnett’s death was ‘heartbreaking’ says Boeing CEO

20:30 , Mike Bedigan

Boeing CEO said that the death of whistleblower John Barnett earlier this year was “heartbreaking”.

Barnett, 62, a quality control engineer at Boeing for 32 years, was found dead at a South Carolina hotel in March, from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. A coroner later ruled that he died by suicide. At the time he was testifying in a lawsuit against the aircraft manufacturer.

An autopsy report, released by the Charleston County Coroner, stated that a review of Barnett’s medical records and interviews with his family showed he was suffering from “chronic stress” brought on by the lawsuit, as well as anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Asked how he felt about the news of Barnett’s death, Calhoun replied: “heartbroken”.

He continued: “I do know that that process was taken up by the governor authorities and was looked into, and they came out with a determination that I know nobody’s satisfied with in the Barnett family, and I understand that.

“I understand why, but it did go through a process, and I know the family will take exception to that process, and I understand it.”

In a previous statement, Barnett’s family said that they hold Boeing responsible for his death, even if the company had not “pulled the trigger”.

Boeing CEO: ‘We are responsible'

20:23 , Mike Bedigan

Referring to the Max jets crashes in 2018, in Indonesia, and 2019 in Ethiopia, Senator Blumenthal told David Calhoun: “Let’s put it very bluntly: 346, people died because of a faulty control system and cast system that Boeing knew was going to cause a crash at some point, correct?”

“I would not say the latter part of that sentence,” Calhoun replied. “People at Boeing knew there was a judgment that was made by ourselves, our design engineers and the certification process, that that could never happen, but it did.”

Senator Blumenthal said: “Well now you’re going to make me really angry, because the evidence shows in fact that the engineers working on this plane knew that that faulty control system drove the nose down under certain circumstances, and pilots, in fact... struggled to lift that nose as the plane plummeted toward the sea, and they couldn’t do it because they didn’t know what was happening.”

Calhoun later told the committee: “We are responsible... all the investigations and all the judgments that were ultimately taken, I’m not here to second guess them.

“I believe strongly in accountability.”

In pictures: Boeing CEO Senate hearing

20:12 , Mike Bedigan


David Calhoun accused of ‘strip mining’ Boeing in tense exchange with Senator

20:05 , Mike Bedigan

Boeing CEO David Calhoun was accused of “strip mining” the company, in a tense exchange with Missouri Senator Josh Hawley.

“You’re strip mining Boeing. It was one of the greatest American companies ever. It has employed thousands of people in my state, and you are strip mining it for profit, shareholder value, and you’re being rewarded for it,” Senator Hawley told him.

“I want to hear from you, because what I hear from you is a lot of ‘this team does that and that.’ I listen to the whistleblowers, but I don’t meet with them, and I’ve heard about all this stuff that you Congress have have meddlesomely asked for because the public wants to see it, gosh darn them.

“But meanwhile, you’re getting paid a heck of a lot of money. It’s unbelievable. If anybody’s coming out of this deal, good. It’s you. Why haven’t you resigned?”

In a measured response, Calhoun responded: “I’m sticking this through. I’m proud of having taken the job. I’m proud of this safety record, and I’m proud of our Boeing people... I am proud of every action we have taken.”

Mr Hawley shot back: “You’re proud of the record?... Wow. Wow. There’s some news for you... Frankly, sir, I think it’s a travesty.”

Watch live: Boeing CEO faces Senate grilling on airplane safety as new whistleblower emerges

19:57 , Mike Bedigan

Watch live: Boeing CEO faces Senate grilling on airplane safety

Calhoun: ‘Our industry doesn’t point fingers at each other'

19:50 , Mike Bedigan

David Calhoun told the committee: “We cannot allow one unsafe airplane to leave our factory, and so we are totally focused on everything that may have contributed to that.

“I will say this, every issue that occurs out in the field with an airplane. Our industry doesn't actually point fingers at each other. We all rally around whatever happened.”

Boeing CEO says employees have been fired over whistleblower ‘retaliation'

19:40 , Mike Bedigan

David Calhoun told the Senate commitee that supervisors and other Boeing employees had been fired for “retaliating” against those who had spoken out.

When asked about specifics, he told Senator Richard Blumenthal: “I don't have that number on the tip of my tongue, but I know it. I know it happens. I am happy to follow up and get you that number.

Senator, we have fired people and disciplined people, and I am happy to follow up... I will most certainly get back to you.”

Calhoun said he had not yet spoken to any of the whistleblowers.

David Calhoun apologizes to families of Boeing crash victims

19:33 , Mike Bedigan

Boeing CEO David Calhoun kicked off his testimony to the Senate by apologizing to the families of victims of the Max jets crashes in 2018, in Indonesia, and 2019 in Ethiopia.

Turning to face the families, who sat with pictures of their loved ones in the chamber, he apologized on behalf of himself and all previous Boeing CEOs, promising the company was “totally committed” to focusing on future safety.

 (CNBC Television)
(CNBC Television)

Watch: Issues Persist for Boeing

19:30 , Mike Bedigan

David Calhoun to face ‘tough questions'

19:28 , Mike Bedigan

Senator Ron Johnson told Boeing CEO David Calhoun he was set to face “tough questions” during Tuesday’s hearing.

“I wish the airlines would come in and explain their quality systems, their maintenance systems, again, with the whole goal of assuring the public that it’s safe to fly today and in the future, and that they’ve got what problems exist, and they’re obviously problems.

“They’ve got them in hand, and they’re doing everything they can to fix those problems. So I appreciate the hearing of Mr Calhoun.”

Addressing him directly, he said: “Thanks for coming here. You’re going to be asked some tough questions here... and you know what you’re in here for. So I appreciate you coming here that.”

Boeing CEO chastised in Senate committee opening

19:23 , Mike Bedigan

Senator Richard Blumenthal began the committee by addressing Boeing CEO David Calhoun directly.

“Mr Calhoun you were brought in to the company as CEO to turn this company around... you and your board of directors have a duty to your shareholders. But they will be deeply ill served if you fail to correct coursethe root cause of this broken safety culture,” he said.

“You have a duty to demand the highest safety standards... and that ‘speak up’ in fact means speak up means shut up, as it is meant all too often. Boeing needs to stop thinking about the next earning calls and start thinking about the next generation.

“It is not enough for Boeing to shrug its shoulders and say ‘mistakes happen’. This is not an industry where its ok to cut corners... to take corners.”

He added: “I feel like you know all of what I am saying. But it’s not enough to say it. boeing has to do it.”

50 Boeing whistleblowers still want to talk safety fears despite two informants dying after speaking out

19:15 , Mike Bedigan

Roughly 50 current and old Boeing employees have joined the cause against the beleaguered aircraft manufacturer and demand improved safety for fliers, despite the deaths of two whistleblowers.

The employees are not trying to “bring down” the company but are desperate to get its safety standards on track, their lawyers have said.

Read more here:

50 Boeing whistleblowers still want to talk safety fears despite informant deaths

Senate committee begins

19:14 , Mike Bedigan

A special Homeland Security’s investigations subcommittee, chaired by Senator Richard Blumenthal, has begun.

Senator Blumenthal began by thanking the many members of the whistleblowers’ families that were in attendance at the hearing.

“This hearing is a moment of reckoning. It is about a company, a once iconic company known for engineering excellence and product prwess that somehow lost its way,” he said.

“For a while some started believing that Boeing had changed, but then this past January, the facade literally blew off the hollow shell that had been Boeing’s promises to the world and what that chasm had been exposed we learned there was virtually no bottom to the void that lay below.”

The CEO of Boeing, David Calhoun, is due to testify at the hearing.

 (CNBC Television)
(CNBC Television)

Troubled history of Boeing 737 Max aircraft

19:00 , Mike Bedigan

Boeing CEO David Calhoun’s Senate testimony comes following several years of incidents involving Max aircrafts.

The Justice Department is considering whether to prosecute Boeing for violating terms of a settlement it reached with the company over allegations it misled regulators who approved the plane.

Max jets crashed in 2018 in Indonesia and 2019 in Ethiopia, killing 346 people. The FAA subsequently grounded the aircraft for more than a year and a half.

The FAA briefly grounded some Max planes again after January’s mid-air blowout of a plug covering an emergency exit on the Alaska Airlines plane. The agency and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) opened separate investigations of Boeing that are continuing.

The Independent understands that family members of Max crash victims are due to be in attendance at Tuesday’s Senate hearing.

Dead Boeing whistleblower’s family says company may not have ‘pulled the trigger’ but it’s responsible

18:45 , Mike Bedigan

The family of a dead Boeing whistleblower has said that they hold the aircraft manufacturer responsible for his death, even if the company had not “pulled the trigger”.

John Barnett, 62, a quality control engineer at Boeing for 32 years, was found dead at a South Carolina hotel in March, from a self-inflicted gunshot wound – shortly after he began testimony in a lawsuit against the company.

Read the full story here:

Dead Boeing whistleblower’s family says company responsible for his death

Watch: Boeing CEO to testify before Senate committee

18:30 , Mike Bedigan

New whistleblower testimony warned of ‘catastrophic event'

18:15 , Mike Bedigan

New whistleblower testimony – released hours before Boeing CEO David Calhoun is set to be questioned about company safety practices by the Senate – warned of a potential “catastrophic event” due to “nonconforming parts” that were likely installed on aircraft.

Sam Mohawk, a quality assurance investigator at the 737 assembly plant near Seattle, claims Boeing hid evidence of the situation after the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) informed the company a year ago that it would inspect the plant.

“Once Boeing received such a notice, it ordered the majority of the (nonconfirming) parts that were being stored outside to be moved to another location,” Mohawk said, according to the report. “Approximately 80 percent of the parts were moved to avoid the watchful eyes of the FAA inspectors.”

The parts were later moved back or lost, Mohawk said. They included rudders, wing flaps and tail fins — all crucial in controlling a plane.

“Mohawk feared that non-conforming parts were being installed on the 737s and that it could lead to a catastrophic event,” the report read.

The allegations came as part of a 204-page report released by the Senate just hours before Calhoun is set to appear.

It will mark the first appearance before Congress by Calhoun — or any other high-ranking Boeing official — since a panel blew out of a 737 Max during an Alaska Airlines flight in January. No one was seriously injured in the incident, but it raised fresh concerns about the company’s best-selling commercial aircraft.

Mother and brother of dead Boeing whistleblower to attend Senate hearing

18:05 , Mike Bedigan

The mother and brother of Boeing whistleblower John Barnett – who was found dead earlier this year – will be in attendance at Tuesday’s Senate hearing, The Independent understands.

The 62-year-old, who had been a quality control engineer at Boeing for 32 years, was found dead at a South Carolina hotel in March, from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. A coroner later ruled that he died by suicide. At the time he was testifying in a lawsuit against the aircraft manufacturer.

Attorney Brian Knowles, who represents the Barnett family as well as multiple other Boeing whistleblowers, said he hopes David Calhoun’s testimony will be a step twards justices.

“We are hoping that Mr Calhoun’s testimony today will be a step forward in the search for justice and accountability,” Mr Knowles said, in a statement shared with The Independent, ahead of the hearing.

Calhoun will be grilled about Boeing’s “broken safety culture” at 2pm eastern time at a Homeland Security’s investigations subcommittee, chaired by Senator Richard Blumenthal.

Quality inspector says Boeing lost hundreds of faulty parts – and some may be on new 737 Max planes

17:50 , Mike Bedigan

A quality inspector has alleged that Boeing lost track of hundreds of faulty parts - and some may be on Max 737 planes that have become a focus of safety concerns.

Sam Mohawk is the latest employee of the aircraft company to come forward publicly with concerns. It comes ahead of testimony from Boeing CEO David Calhoun at a special Senate committee.

Amelia Neath has the story:

Boeing quality inspector says lost up to 400 faulty parts

Boeing CEO to testify at special Senate committee

17:41 , Mike Bedigan

The CEO of Boeing is due to testify in front of a special Senate hearing, just hours after a new whistleblower came forward with further allegations of bad practice and company cover-ups.

David Calhoun will face questions about on the beleagured aircraft manufacturers “broken safety culture” at 2pm eastern time at a Homeland Security’s investigations subcommittee, chaired by Senator Richard Blumenthal.

It comes as Boeing faces a string of lawsuits relating to manufacturing malpractice, after a door plug of a 737 Max 9 blew off during an Alaska Airlines flight in January.

Follow live updates from The Independent here:

Boeing CEO Senate (Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)
Boeing CEO Senate (Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved)