Burst pipe leaves villages without water for days

Shipton Bellinger with a small river running through it between banks of grass
Shipton Bellinger is one of the villages without water since Monday [BBC]

Multiple villages have been left without water for five days after a burst pipe cut off supply.

Residents in Shipton Bellinger and Cholderton, Wiltshire, as well as villages across the county border in Hampshire, have not been able to flush toilets or shower since Monday.

A pub and a primary school have had to close due to shortages.

Water supplier Cholderton Water said on its website on Friday that it will be a "matter of hours" until the pipe is fixed.

"The new pump installation at Thruxton Pump Station is going according to plan.

"It is now hard wired and about to be craned into position.the pipe is fixed once a a replacement pump has been installed," the website statement added.

Some residents have told the BBC they are frustrated at the lack of progress.

One woman, who wanted to remain anonymous, said: "Four whole days without water is pretty bad. It is like living in the 1900s.

"I have to wash uniform and shower in-between shifts, so I have been going to the laundrette and leisure centre to shower."

The shortages has hit up to 60 postcodes in the villages, as well as Thruxton and Amport, and Quarley in neighbouring Hampshire.

Hundreds of water bottles in a stack outside a property
Bottles of water have been provided by the water company [BBC]

Sally Turland, who lives in Shipton Belinger, said she has sympathy for the water providers.

"I think they have done a lot for us," she said.

"It's hard to communicate with everybody at the same time, saying that water is coming. They've still got to arrange to get hundreds of water bottles out to people.

"We do have river water we can use to flush with.

"I think they've done their best, it's a situation no one can plan for."

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