California has more dog bites on mail carriers than anywhere else. How did Sacramento fare?

For the second year in a row, dog attacks on mail carriers have risen in California, according to a new U.S. Postal Service report, and has maintained its distinction as the state with the most dog bites for the seventh year in a row.

The post office officials reported California had 727 dog bites on postal workers in 2023, compared to 675 in 2022. In both years, the Golden State had the most canine bite incidents of any state. The Postal Service has been reporting statewide numbers since 2017, and California has topped the list each year.

Sacramento as a metro area also ranked high in the breakout of cities with the most frequent bites on mail carriers — the region had 26 bites in 2023, tied for 16th place with Albuquerque, New Mexico, and San Antonio.

This is the first year since 2020 that the capital region has placed in the top 25 cities.

The Postal Service released its report Friday to highlight its annual awareness week on dog attacks.

As part of the campaign, the Postal Service offered tips on how to help prevent dog attacks on carriers:

If your dog is outdoors, keep it on a leash or behind a fence.

If a postal worker comes to your door, place your dog in a separate room before answering.

Remind children to not take mail directly from a postal worker in the presence of your dog.