What I care about is where Eric Hovde stands on issues, not his bank shares | Letters

In Daniel Bice’s recent piece, the not-so-subtle suggestion is that since Republican U.S. Senate candidate Eric Hovde hasn’t yet disclosed which option(s) he will select to avoid potential conflicts of interest from stock ownership in an obscure Utah bank, there is something sinister going on (“Hovde won’t say if he’ll divest stake in bank,” June 30).

Bice also includes a quote from Democratic Party spokesperson Arik Wolk in which Wolk asserts that Hovde, “Is running for Senate to help himself and his bank make millions of dollars.” Preposterous! Hovde could make significantly more in the private sector.

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Biden should step aside. I'm almost 80. I can tell when someone's lost a step.

What I care about is what Hovde will do if elected to combat illegal immigration, crime, unchecked government spending and inflation. Let’s not kneecap him before he’s even elected to office.

John J. Maddente, Waukesha

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Eric Hovde doesn't merit criticism over Sunwest Bank in WI Senate race