Cecilia Cheung on life after divorce

Cecilia Cheung on life after divorce

23 Sep – Hong Kong actress-model Cecilia Cheung accepted her first interview three days ago with her best friend, Derek Lee, and shared the lessons learnt from her divorce, according to the Xin MSN website.

In the interview, the mother of two talked about how she has learnt to believe, cherish and respect herself, after her failed marriage with Nicholas Tse, so as to gain respect from her ex-hubby and sons.

Cecilia also advised women, who are undergoing the same predicament as her, to be brave and learn from their failures. The 31-year-old stated that if a person wants find a new husband, she has to be confident in order to attract the opposite sex.

When the topic shifted to her two children, Cecilia began to break down in tears. She shared how hurt she felt when she saw other children in Lucas' school bringing special lunchboxes made by their mothers, and thought about how her son had to buy his own meals outside.

The actress also revealed the reason behind her insistence on making a showbiz comeback was because she wanted to set a good example for her sons and said, "I have met with a lot of unpleasant incidents but I have never been sad, because [I feel that] I can never get any lower than that and I will succeed and be better in the future!"

Cecilia also poked fun at herself, stating that she used to be very fond of branded goods when she was 20 years old, but she is starting to become less materialistic and now understands that material goods cannot provide her happiness.

"Right now, it's the cheaper the better! I'd rather take the cab [than drive]. I don't have to look for a parking space and I can also talk to the driver!"