I choose Biden over Trump because an older president is better than a dishonest one

I understand the concerns for President Biden’s mental lapses in the recent debate, but, in fairness, what about similar concerns for a man who recently worried about electric (battery-operated!) airplanes falling from the sky if the sun disappears?

And suggested injecting bleach into our bodies as a cure for a virus? Are these not reasons for concern for the mental acuity of that individual?

What about someone who tells the same fabrications about election fraud and the emptying of Latin American jails to our borders with no evidence to support any of these claims? Either that person has no mental capacity to ascertain truth or is simply an incessant liar who cannot be trusted to do the right thing in any circumstance.

Which is worse? An elderly gentleman who has occasional lapses of response to debate questions, or a person who constantly engages in falsehoods and proposes insane ideas even after having time to formulate appropriate responses.

Stop misleading us. Biden's mental capabilities are of grave concern to American voters

Maybe the one has the ability to take the advice of reputable counselors, while the other surrounds himself with experts (his description) but then stands in front of them and totally ignores their advice.

This is what Mr. Trump did at a press conference in front of two highly reputable physicians when he recommended his bleach cure, and subsequently watched over one million Americans die of COVID! Other advisors he fired for what? Lack of loyalty, not lack of wisdom.

You choose. Which is more important? Debate wizardry or personal integrity?

Kenneth E. Tatum, Tullahoma 37388

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This article originally appeared on Nashville Tennessean: Biden may be an older man, but Trump's dishonesty turns this voter off