Conservative Legal Icon Condemns Trump Immunity Ruling In No Uncertain Terms

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Conservative former federal Judge J. Michael Luttig on Monday joined the chorus of condemnation of the Supreme Court’s ruling of total immunity for Donald Trump’s “official” acts when president.

Luttig, appearing on Nicolle Wallace’s “Deadline: White House” show on MSNBC, slammed the decision as “shocking” and “reprehensible.”

“This is indeed an historic day in constitutional history as well as for the nation” and represents the “unsouling of America,” Luttig said.

“America’s democracy and rule of law are this country’s heart and soul,” he continued. “Our democracy and the rule of law are what had made America the envy of the world and the beacon of freedom to the world for almost 250 years now. Today, the Supreme Court cut that heart and soul out of America.”

“No longer can it be said that in America no man is above the law,” he added.

Watch Luttig’s full analysis from the 27-minute mark here:
