Council calls off August bond issue, sales tax election

Jul. 15—Muskogee City Council members agreed to call off the Aug. 27 election for a general obligation bond issue and sales tax continuation.

The election, set for Aug. 27, contained four propositions. Three propositions call for passage of 25-year general obligation bond issues totaling $78.6 million to improve public safety, streets and community facilities. A fourth proposition calls for continuation of the half-cent city sales tax, which would go for street improvement and upgrades at City Hall, Muskogee Public Library and public works offices.

Councilors voted unanimously during a special meeting Monday to repeal the ordinances that called for the bond issue and sales tax election and to declare an emergency.

The vote came after weeks of citizen voicing concerns about the size of the bond issue, as well as its timing.

Muskogee Mayor Patrick Cale said he wants public input from residents and businesses before rescheduling the elections. He said public input could prompt the city to change the length and terms of the potential bond issue, as well as what could be included.

There was no discussion at Monday's meeting about when any future city election would be, or what would be included in such an election.

Councilors also approved minutes of their July 8 special meeting, when members agreed to call for a special state audit. The council can send the audit request to the Oklahoma State Auditor and Inspector's office.

Brenda Holt, forensic audit director for the State Auditor and Inspector, said a city request for a special audit must be approved in a public meeting, and the state must have minutes of that meeting. She said it could take several months for the state to act on an audit request.

The audit is to cover the period of 2014 through 2024 on the following objectives:

— Determine if the properties in the "Three Corners Development" of U.S 62 and U.S. 69 were obtained properly, and if any financing related to them was executed and paid properly.

— Determine if anyone with conflicts of interest received sales commission with respect to the "Project Sunshine" development plan.

— Determine if the contracting with the company for developing properties along Shawnee Corridor was done properly/prudently, and if any financing related to it was executed and paid properly.

— Determine if any conflicts of interest existed in the distribution of the proceeds of the Downtown Revitalization Multi-Grant Program.