Which county in NJ has reported the most UFO sightings? By the numbers

New Jersey has become a hotspot for UFO sightings, with significant activity reported across several counties.

UFO sightings in NJ

According to a map from Axios earlier this year, citing the National UFO Reporting Center, Ocean County leads with 294 sightings, followed by Monmouth County with 254, Middlesex County with 243 and Bergen County with 217. Other notable figures include 124 sightings in Morris County, 111 in Union County, and 128 in Cape May County. Atlantic County reported 136 sightings, while Hunterdon, Cumberland, and Salem counties recorded 71, 45, and 26 sightings, respectively.

Photo of supposed UFO in Wanaque.
Photo of supposed UFO in Wanaque.

What are UFOs?

UFO, or unidentified flying object, has also been referred to as unidentified anomalous phenomenon (UAP) in recent years. These unidentified objects could be extraterrestrial flying vehicles, space clutter, or human-built devices such as satellites.

UFO sightings have intrigued New Jersey residents for decades. Reports have varied from simple blinking lights to more elaborate descriptions, including green discs and football-shaped objects. Wharton State Forest, Jersey City, and Long Beach Island are among the most frequently mentioned locations.

Nationally, UFO sightings have been on the rise. The increase in reports may be partly due to growing public interest and advances in technology, enabling more people to capture potential sightings on video. This trend reflects a broader fascination with extraterrestrial life and the unknown.

Experts remain divided on the nature of these sightings. While some attribute them to misidentified aircraft, drones, or natural phenomena, others believe they could be evidence of extraterrestrial visitation.

The U.S. government has also shown renewed interest, with the Pentagon releasing declassified reports and videos of unidentified aerial phenomena.

However, New Jersey's night skies continue to draw the curious and the skeptical alike, each sighting fueling the ongoing debate about what—or who—might be out there.

This article originally appeared on NorthJersey.com: UFO sightings in New Jersey by county for World UFO Day