CPAC boots speaker from 'America Uncanceled' conference

The Conservative Political Action Committee has already broken its 2021 conference's central promise.

In response to the ever-present threat of cancellation for doing generally bad things, the annual conference of conservatives dubbed its 2021 gathering "America Uncancelled," and invited a whole bunch of right-wing lawmakers and pot-stirrers to decry the left for days on end. That included "Young Pharaoh," a guy with a modest Twitter following he uses to spread conspiracy theories and anti-Semitic rants.

Left-wing watchdog Media Matters highlighted Young Pharaoh's history of anti-Semitic posts, including mocking conservative commentator Ben Shapiro and challenging rabbis to debates, among his less disturbing comments. He recently debated the existence of snow and has posted many videos making false claims about the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine. The American Jewish Committee shared the article on Twitter, demanding CPAC "denounce his anti-Semitic conspiracy theories."

And within minutes, CPAC complied, saying they had removed an individual with "reprehensible views" from the lineup.

Young Pharaoh responded by calling the cancelation "CENSORSHIP AT ITS BEST," along with other things that made it clear exactly why he was canceled in the first place.

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