Dancing With the Stars — New Season 13 Cast Revealed

Chaz Bono, Ricki Lake and David Arquette  | Photo Credits: Tommaso Boddi/WireImage.com; Amanda Edwards/Getty Images; Jason Merritt/Getty Images
Chaz Bono, Ricki Lake and David Arquette | Photo Credits: Tommaso Boddi/WireImage.com; Amanda Edwards/Getty Images; Jason Merritt/Getty Images

Hang on to your sequins and strappy sandals: The 13th season of Dancing With the Stars is unleashing a cast that would make the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus green with envy. Among them: a Kardashian, an L.A. Laker, George Clooney's sexy Italian ex, and the first transgender contestant, Chaz (formerly Chastity) Bono.

"I want people to know that we're just normal people like everybody else," says Bono, who will dance with a woman. "It's nothing to be afraid of or think is strange."

Joining Bono on the dance floor are actor David Arquette; L.A. Laker Ron Artest, who is trying to change his name to Metta World Peace; Italian actress Elisabetta Canalis, newly split from Clooney; The Hills' Kristin Cavallari; former district attorney-turned talk show host Nancy Grace; Keeping Up with the Kardashians brother Rob Kardashian; former talk show host Ricki Lake; All My Children actor and Iraq war veteran J.R. Martinez; singer Chynna Phillips; Queer Eye's Carson Kressley; and World Cup and Olympic gold medal soccer player Hope Solo.

Bono, who took some dance classes as a kid, says he signed on for the show because "I thought that it would be fun and a great physical challenge. Since transitioning, I'm very comfortable in my body and enjoy doing physical activities."

Grace is also up for the challenge. She says she feels like "Cinderella going to the ball, even though I know people are going to mock me and make fun of me. I don't know how to dance, and I don't know what I'm gonna wear. I may end up in rags in a pumpkin. But I know that I have been invited and I am going."

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