Delaware politicians react, honor Joe Biden's legacy after news he's dropping out

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It's official: President Joe Biden will not seek reelection.

Politicians across the nation have shared their own responses to Biden's announcement, with many thanking the president for his public service. Delaware's political leaders – from the U.S. Congressional delegation to local officials across the political spectrum – are no exception.

U.S. Sen. Chris Coons posted on X that Biden "has an incredible record of public service."

"He has been the most consequential president of my lifetime, and his legacy of putting his country before himself is only strengthened by his hard decision today to step aside as a candidate for president," Coons wrote.

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THE FULL STORY Delaware's own Joe Biden drops out of Presidential race, citing 'best interest' of country

U.S. Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester thanked Biden "from the bottom of (her) heart" in an official statement. She called him "the most accomplished president in modern history," praising him for his work on reducing the cost of insulin, forgiving student loan debt, handling the pandemic, creating jobs and investing in HBCUs.

Blunt Rochester said she's had the privilege of knowing Biden for over 30 years, and thanked him for his support for her family in times of need and tragedy.

Blunt Rochester concluded her statement by endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris.

"Today, the fight of our lives continues," Blunt Rochester said. "In November, Democrats are going to beat Donald Trump because we have to — and because President Joe Biden showed us how.”

U.S. Sen. Tom Carper issued an official statement praising Biden's support of veterans and addressing of climate change, calling his record "one that all Americans can be proud of."

“It’s been my privilege to serve the people of Delaware and America with Joe Biden for 50 years," Carper said. "I love him like a brother. He’s a proud Democrat, but he’s an American first. From the day he took office, he has consistently said that in the end, his final decision on running for re-election would be based on what’s best for America. His decision today meets that standard, and I am immensely proud of him for that."

Local officials weigh in

New Castle County Executive Matt Meyer praised Biden on X for his efforts related to stabilizing the economy, affordable healthcare and environmental justice, calling him "a champion for working families."

"I'm profoundly grateful for President Biden’s unwavering dedication and service to our nation," Meyer wrote.

Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings issued an official statement calling Biden "one of the greatest Vice Presidents and Presidents in the history of our nation."

She thanked him for ending the war in Afghanistan, investing in infrastructure, combatting climate change, addressing gun safety, choosing the first woman and person of color to serve as vice president, selecting the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court and restoring "dignity and decency to the White House."

"I know this was not an easy decision for Joe to reach when so much is on the line for America," Jennings said. "But I also know that he understands how gravely serious the threat to our country is, and I should not be surprised that — in a career replete with difficult, consequential decisions — Joe’s patriotism has carried the day. The entire Biden family is in my heart today."

Gov. John Carney called Biden a "devoted, effective, and inspirational public servant."

"All Americans owe the President a debt of gratitude, which will become only more profound in the pages of history," Carney said. "And here at home, we could not be more proud of Delaware’s Joe Biden."

Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long shared her "love and gratitude" for the Biden family in a statement posted on X. She reminisced on her first time meeting Biden while interning for the U.S. Senate, calling him "a friend and a shining example of a public servant."

She said Biden has "made (Delaware) proud," writing that the U.S. "is stronger for his selfless service."

"It is time for Democrats and all of us to rally around the ideals and values that President Biden has represented – ideals that will lead our nation into a brighter future," Hall-Long said.

Both Carney and Hall-Long endorsed Harris for president.

Delaware Democratic Party Chair Betsy Maron said in an official statement that "placing the interest of his party and his country ahead of his own is a reflection of Joe Biden’s selfless character."

“For over 50 years, Delaware Democrats have been proud to count Joe Biden among our ranks," Maron said. "Today is no different. We thank President Biden for his years of dedication and service to our state and our nation. We look forward to honoring his consequential legacy for years to come”

Democrats were not the only ones to thank Biden for his service as president.

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Delaware House Minority Leader Mike Ramone praised Biden in an official statement for giving Delaware a "national voice" and serving the country with honor.

“Having known and worked with the Biden family for many years, I have witnessed firsthand his love for Delaware and his commitment to our nation," Ramone said. "For his steadfast service to our state and country, and for his deep love for the every man, we thank him.”

This is a developing story.

Send story tips or ideas to Hannah Edelman at For more reporting, follow them on X at @h_edelman.

This article originally appeared on Delaware News Journal: Joe Biden drops out of presidential race. Delaware politicians respond