New Documentary by Veronica Grey Explores Floating Garbage Islands

LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwire - Nov 1, 2012) - Veronica Grey's new documentary, "Aqua Seafoam Shame," (, examines the huge islands of plastic trash floating in the Pacific Ocean.

Grey first noticed a mushy, plastic-like substance sliding through her fingers while paddling around in the Pacific. After some research, she learned man's throwaways have turned the ocean into a lethal dumping ground.

"There is a collection -- a vortex -- of these 'islands' floating in the Pacific," says Grey, a.k.a. the "Surf Lady." "Fifteen years ago it was the size Texas, but now it's the size of the continental United States."

Plastic in the ocean has far-reaching implications that, if not addressed within 20 years, could change life on this planet, Grey says. To date, 177 species of sea life are known to ingest plastic; other species feed on those creatures, extending the chain of damage.

"People eat the seafood that eats plastic, and the planet gets its rain from the oceans, which are being polluted at an exponential rate," she says.

"Aqua Seafoam Shame" is available to view in its entirety at It is currently being edited to meet criteria necessary for a 2014 Academy Award nomination.

To begin addressing plastics pollution, Grey encourages people to use alternatives:

  • Americans buy 2 million bottles of water every five minutes; ditch plastic bottles and use glass or recyclable cans.

  • Carry a cost-effective canvas bag instead getting disposable plastic bags at the grocery store. We waste 10 billion plastic bags every week!

  • Do not line your trash cans with plastic bags. Use paper bags or nothing.

"If Michael Moore were a lady who went after companies who still produce plastic" she would be Veronica Grey, writes an anonymous reviewer on "We hereby document the process by which conscientious companies, some because of our encouragement, switch from plastic to a more sustainable alternative. This is a David-and-Goliath project by night, and (it's) Sisyphean by day."

About Veronica Grey

Veronica Grey is a Renaissance woman who wants to make the world a better place by advocating personal well-being and environmental protection. She received her bachelor's in English and American Studies from UCLA. She's a regular guest on TV shows as lifestyle expert "The Surf Lady." She's also the founder of the charity Israel-Light, which emphasizes focus techniques, among others, to achieve a youthful body and mind.