Edison's ex-girlfriend speaks

Edison's ex-girlfriend speaks

8 Nov – As intimate photos of Edison Chen his 16-year-old fling, Cammi Tse, make the rounds, a displeased ex-girlfriend expresses her disgust through the media.

According to JayneStar's website, Edison's rumored ex-girlfriend, Gloria Wong, scolded him bluntly for his fetish obsessions and revealed that Edison had asked her to wear a pink lingerie set to pose for some photographs while they were dating.

The lingerie was described to be made of thin sheer material thus being extremely revealing.

Gloria said that Edison took many intimate photographs, but did not ask Gloria to model any difficult poses.

Gloria stressed that she agreed to shoot the photos only once, which after left her with a disgusted feeling, as if she were raped.

Subsequently, Gloria asked Edison to delete the photos, but she did not know if he did in fact do so. In Gloria's mind, the lingerie photos represented a time-bomb ready to explode at any time.

Gloria did not consider herself to be taking advantage of the situation to attack Edison, but only wished to tell the truth.