FDLE arrests Pensacola man for downloading child porn files onboard NAS Pensacola

A 75-year-old Pensacola man was arrested and charged Thursday with over a dozen felony counts of child sex abuse material following a Florida Department of Law Enforcement and Naval Criminal Investigative Service investigation.

Lessly Howard Robison faces 20 counts of possessing child sex abuse material and one count of using a two-way communication device to facilitate a felony.

"The investigation began in October 2022 after agents discovered a peer-to-peer file sharing user downloading child sexual abuse material," an FDLE release said. "Files were downloaded onboard the Pensacola Naval Air Station and off-base."

After FDLE and NCIS agents served a search warrant at Robison's home Wednesday, a forensic review of his laptop showed "numerous" images depicting the sexual abuse of children.

Robison was booked into Escambia County jail on $250,000 bond.

This article originally appeared on Pensacola News Journal: Pensacola man charged with downloading child porn onboard NAS Pensacola