Feds seek public comment on Nisqually’s proposed casino-resort project in Lacey

The federal Bureau of Indian Affairs is seeking public comment to help prepare an Environmental Impact Statement tied to the Nisqually Indian Tribe’s goal of building a casino-resort in Lacey, the agency announced.

The proposal is called the Quiemuth casino-resort and would be built on vacant land north of Interstate 5 near the outdoors store Cabela’s.

As part of this process, the tribe has submitted a fee-to-trust application to the Bureau of Indian Affairs requesting the placement of approximately 74.2 acres of fee land in trust by the U.S. upon which the Nisqually Indian Tribe would construct a casino resort.

“The Tribe proposes to develop a casino-resort with an event/multi-purpose center, cultural center/museum with Tribal lawn, and associated infrastructure,” the BIA announcement reads.

The EIS will analyze the land resources; water resources; air quality; noise; biological resources; cultural/historic/archaeological resources; resource use patterns; traffic and transportation; public health and safety; hazardous materials and hazardous wastes; public services and utilities; socio-economics; environmental justice; visual resources/aesthetics; and cumulative, indirect, and growth-inducing effects

BIA officials said the list of things to be reviewed could be expanded based on public comment. They also say the EIS will evaluate possible alternatives, including a reduced-intensity casino alternative, and an alternate-use, non-gaming alternative.

“The range of alternatives evaluated in the EIS may be expanded based on comments received during the scoping process,” the BIA announcement reads.

Here’s how to comment:

Send email to Jerry Page, Branch Chief, Natural Resource Officer, Bureau of Indian Affairs, at: BIANisquallyCasino@bia.gov, using “NOI Comments, Nisqually Indian Tribe Fee-to-Trust and Casino Project” as the subject of the email.

Send written comments to Bryan Mercier, Regional Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Northwest Region at 911 NE 11th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97232. Please include name, return address, and “NOI Comments, Nisqually Indian Tribe Fee-to-Trust and Casino Project” on the first page of the written comments.

The comment deadline is Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024.

A virtual scoping meeting is set for 6 p.m. Aug. 1. For more information about the meeting, go to www.nisquallycasinoeis.com.

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