On the flagrant hypocrisy of the Democratic party

The democrats have gone after Trump for election tampering. What hypocrisy! Biden was voted for by the American public as their nominee for president. Pushing him out because he can’t win (in their opinion) is not right and flouts our justice system. If his mental acuity is the reason, then he has to resign now, or the vice president should start imposing the 25th Amendment. But the Democrats reason is he can’t win, not his mental acuity. The democrats are election tampering in the worst way. Where is the pushback from the media and the public? This should not stand!

Marilyn Loewy, Palm Desert

Oil companies must stop oil well emissions

California’s 40,000 idle oil and gas wells, and 60,000 active wells, leak toxic chemicals like cancer-causing benzene and climate-heating methane, a greenhouse gas containing 80 times the climate-warming power of carbon dioxide. Current law allows oil companies to pay a small fee to avoid plugging idle wells, but the oil industry has still failed to clean them up, potentially leaving taxpayers on the hook for the multibillion-dollar bill.

California Assembly Bill AB 1866 would require oil companies to plug up to 20% of their idle wells per year. The law would also eliminate the option to pay an idle well fee, to avoid plugging requirements.

With this bill, Californians will benefit from better health and safety, reduced air pollution, create thousands of jobs and takes a major step in addressing the “man-caused climate crisis.”

Please call and/or write your State Assembly Member Greg Wallis and State Senator Kelly Seyarto and ask them to support AB 1866. Your efforts could greatly benefit our world. https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov

Ron Sadler, Palm Springs

This article originally appeared on Palm Springs Desert Sun: Flagrant hypocrisy in the Democratic party