Former Washington County High School teacher set to plead guilty in child porn case

A former high school teacher from Milledgeville who was charged with 21 child pornography offenses is set to plead guilty, court records from Friday show.

Michael Dendy, who taught at Washington County High School, was charged July 11, 2023, with five counts of production of child pornography, seven counts of distributing child pornography, eight counts of receipt of child pornography and one count of possessing child pornography.

Court records show that prosecutors will meet with Dendy Wednesday to present him with the finalized plea agreement for him to approve and sign.

The details of the plea agreement weren’t known Tuesday.

Court documents indicated that prosecutors came across roughly 80,000 documents from the teacher’s hard drives, laptop and cell phone of sexually explicit images of 17 minors. The document also mentioned Dendy had allegedly collected these images for about five years.

Before he taught at Washington County High School, Dendy taught at Griffin High School from 2018 to 2020 and previously taught at high schools in Maryland and Mississippi.

He is expected to appear in court in front of Judge Marc Treadwell at the federal courthouse on July 30.