Fowler commentary: Rose-colored glasses do not win wars

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I know someone who boasts that he has been a Democrat his entire life. He is going to vote for Joe Biden simply because he has been a Democrat his entire life. How many more sworn Democrats will vote for Joe Biden simply because they have been Democrats all their lives? And their parents before them. What about the issues? What issues? The porous border! Well, we need the workers. What about inflation? Well, it was nine percent under Donald Trump. What about the weakened military? Well, we don’t need a strong military during peace time. And the babble goes on and on.

It is no secret that many folks see the world through rose-colored glasses—so rose colored they see red. Not red like in red states, but red like in Marxist’ regimes. First, let’s deal with the “issues.”


We have something called a green card for those who want to come to the United States to work. Crossing the southern border illegally does not grant one permission to work in the United States. Joe Biden has granted illegal immigrants permission to work in our country, but as with so many other violations of our laws and our Constitution by Mr. Biden, the permission is itself illegal. But, like shingles, Biden doesn’t care. Setting aside that fact—are the illegal immigrants picking strawberries in California? Harvesting oranges in the Rio Grande Valley? In the Valley of the Sun in Arizona? Who knows? After they swim the river, they are given a card (not a green card) and told to come back to the border or somewhere in ten or twenty years to be processed. In the meantime, we will house them in upscale hotels, feed them three meals a day, and send them to a clinic when they have a dripping nose. And while they are housed, fed, and medically treated, they are free to rob stores, shoot cops, hijack cars, and pursue further avenues of skullduggery. Are all illegal immigrants guilty of these acts? Of course not! But who is able to separate the two? Pandora has not surpassed Joe Biden in releasing evil upon America.

When Donald Trump left office, inflation was between one and two percent, not nine percent as lying Joe bleats. Reality belies dishonesty. Does Joe Biden eat stew because he can’t afford steak? Nope! I don’t either, but when the cow jumped over the moon, the price of streak went with her. I like stew, but I don’t want a steady diet of it which some must endure. They can no longer order a sirloin (much less a more expensive cut) and a baked potato without busting a budget. It’s cheaper to buy a hen than to buy eggs, except that a hen lays only one egg a day, not a dozen. Unfortunately, a city ordinance probably won’t allow me to have a chicken. Much less a cow. Of course, we can always eat cake. My automobile and home insurance are the price of a used car. Insurance is a Catch-22 dilemma I can’t afford it, and I can’t afford to be without it. What am I going to do?

I am a proud veteran, even though I didn’t see combat. To wear the uniform is an honor of the highest order. To see what Biden and his woke generals have done to our military is not only outrageous but also sickening. The woke generals are a disgrace to the uniform. Pronouns do not substitute for combat readiness. If we were forced into a war today, Biden’s military would barely survive, if at all. Fifty nine pronouns to identify a biological male or female do not substitute for bullets. A strong military safeguards peace.

Well, but Democrats must repair the damage that Donald Trump caused when in office. What damage is that? We had a prosperous economy, high employment of minorities, a strong military—and peace. All of that has disappeared under Joe Biden. We are no longer respected among nations. The far left has taken over our government and is striving mightily to overthrow our Constitutional Republic and replace it with a Marxist government. We have a confused military. The only damage that Donald Trump did while in office was to thwart the plans of the far left, including those of Nancy Pelosi and her Democrat thralls in Congress—all of whom have captured the weakness of Joe Biden and used it to bring the United States to the brink of collapse.

Well, I’m going to vote Democrat anyway, because I have always voted Democrat. Maybe being a Chinese dependent won’t be too bad.

Carl Fowler is a retired professor of English at Amarillo College and lives in Amarillo.

This article originally appeared on Amarillo Globe-News: Fowler commentary: Rose-colored glasses do not win wars