Fresno man on death row dies of natural causes. Fatally stabbed Sacramento man in 2004

A former Fresno County resident sentenced to death for a Sacramento-area murder died early Wednesday in a California Department of Corrections medical facility in Vacaville, the California Department of Corrections reported.

Glenn Wade Jennings, 71, was on the state’s death row for the 2004 fatal stabbing of liquor store owner Kulwant Sufi. After the attack, Jennings ran away with the cash register.

Glenn Wade Jennings
Glenn Wade Jennings

Corrections officials reported that Jennings was found unresponsive in his assigned cell during a security check at 12:33 a.m. early Wednesday and staff and Vacaville firefighters unsuccessfully tried to save him. He was pronounced deceased at 12:45 a.m. The Solano County Coroner determined the cause of death to be natural.

Officials said Jennings was sent to state prison on a robbery conviction from Fresno County on Feb. 3, 1977, and paroled in 1980. Jennings went back to prison in 1982 on a 35-year prison term with enhancements for using a firearm in a Sacramento robbery.

He was released on parole in May of 2001, but was back in prison repeatedly on parole violations before he was released in February of 2004.

He was sentenced to San Quentin’s Death Row in 2010 for the murder of Sufi.

There, he gained recognition as a painter and a member of the San Quentin Death Row Artists and Writers group.