GOP wants Ten Commandments in school, but supports Trump who doesn't follow them | Letters

Ohio's Ten Commandment billboard
Ohio's Ten Commandment billboard
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Louisiana’s governor, Jeff Landry, has recently signed a bill making the Ten Commandments mandatory to appear in every school classroom, from kindergarten through college. Gov. Landry also endorsed Donald Trump for president. Let’s review how Trump has violated all 10 commandments.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Trump worships only himself. Thou shalt not make images for thy self is the second of God‘s decree. Trump has paintings of himself all over his home, and sells his own NFTs. Thou shalt not take God’s name in vain. Trump takes God's name in vain at his rallies, and puts his name on the Bible. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. Trump plays golf on Sundays, and never goes to church. Honor thy father and mother. Trump tried to rewrite his dying dad‘s will. (Thou shall Google that, it’s true).

Thou shalt not kill. Trump executed more federal inmates than any president, and lied throughout a plague, telling Christians to go to church on Easter because COVID-19 would be over by then. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 'Nuff said! Thou shalt not steal. Trump stole from charities, and defrauded veterans through his fraudulent university. Thou shalt not bear false witness. Trump has spoken 34,000 lies during his presidency. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife. Trump covets every woman he sees.

The Louisiana law tells every kid in class that either you worship a Christian God, or you will be ostracized.And to the six religious zealots on the Supreme Court, who tell us how we must live our lives and what we can do with our bodies: Keep your religious laws to yourself. Don't force them on us!

Mel Shuller, Montgomery

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: GOP wants Ten Commandments in schools, but Trump doesn't follow them