GOSHEN BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS: Water main break impacts Denver Ave.

Jul. 25—GOSHEN — At its Thursday meeting, the Goshen Board of Public Works addressed the impact of a crash which had taken place the same afternoon.

Director of Public Works Dustin Sailor spoke to the board about the crash, in which a vehicle crashed into a fire hydrant along Denver Avenue, west of Kroger's driveway, jarring the connected water main, causing it to break in multiple locations. Six customers were impacted, and the area is currently under a water boil order.

"The damage to the roadway was significant and staff is currently estimating 180 feet of the south bound lane of Denver Street will need to be replaced," Sailor stated in a memo prepared before the meeting. "With repairs and restoration, Goshen Utilities anticipates full reuse of the road will not be restored until Friday, Aug. 9. Road closures will occur as necessary in the coming weeks to facility the different phases of work."

In response, the board unanimously approved a motion to approve the closure on Denver Street, from 213 Denver to 115 Denver, and to Pike Street as required for the replacement of the damaged water main and the restoration of Denver Street.

"We'll try and get it patched up as best we can," Sailor told the board, adding that it was his understanding that Kroger's operations would not be seriously impacted.

The board also heard an update from property owner Christopher Jones, and his attorney, Don Berger, regard the property he is currently renovating at 425 N. Ninth St.

Although progress has been made, city Building Inspector Travis Eash said that work remains.

"The house is still in an uninhabitable state," Eash told the board, who in turn voted to grant Jones a continuation until their Oct. 31 meeting, when they will expect another update.

Other board items included:

* Approving the change to the time of a street closure on First Friday, Aug. 2, on behalf of Downtown Goshen Inc.;

* Awarding of a bid for purchase of 2024 Street Sweeper and approve purchase agreement with Hoosier Equipment LLC and approval of Resolution 2024-17, Interlocal Agreement with the County of Elkhart for the Establishment of the Marion Branch Quiet Zone, at the request of the Legal Department.;

* Authorizing Mayor Gina Leichty to accept the terms of a Phragmites Adaptive Management Program Grant, on behalf of the Legal Department of Environmental Resilience;

* Moving $6,894.23 in uncollected finaled accounts from active to collection, sewer liens and write offs for the period through May 10, 2024, on behalf of the Water and Sewer Department;

* Approving several Engineering Department requests: Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with Abonmarche for $57,500 to provide potholing services for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency lead and copper project; approving and authorizing the mayor to sign the Financial Commitment Letter to be submitted to the Indiana Department of Transportation for the Community Crossings Matching Grant Fund application process; and approval of Change Order No. 2 for Niblock to take control of the County Courts Consolidation Roadway Improvements project MOT (Maintenance of Traffic) from the Indiana Department of Transportation for an increase of $24,966.

To learn more, visit goshenindiana.org/board-of-works.

Steve Wilson is news editor for The Goshen News. You can reach him at steve.wilson@goshennews.com.