New Headquarters for 1-Source Electronic Components

YAPHANK, NY--(Marketwire -08/21/12)- 1-Source Electronic Components, an ISO certified distributor of electronic components and raw materials used in the manufacture of electronic devices and equipment, has moved its headquarters to a new location at 7 Todd Court, Yaphank, New York. The company has had offices located in eastern Long Island, New York for the past 11 years. The purpose of this short move was to have a larger facility to accommodate growth, and that was more conveniently located and better suited to the comfort and utility of the company's clients and staff.

There was apparent excitement on the first day of business at the new site. Many on the 1-Source customer service team expressed their positive reaction to the company's decision to relocate in their comments about the new facilities.

Julianne Marklin, Senior Account Manager at 1-Source, pointed out the convenience of the new location and added, "I am very excited about 1-Source's new facility. The new place is beautiful and I know there are many new opportunities coming our way!"

"The transition to our new facility is awesome!" according to Rhonda Aiello, 1-Source Purchasing Manager. "It is very exciting to all of us in the 1-Source family!"

Debra Criveau, Director of Mil/Aero Sales Division, said, "Moving to our new location has created an excellent energy among the entire 1-Source team, and has pulled us closer together. It's great to have a new and spacious facility we can call home."

1-Source president and CEO Richard Lodato agreed. "The new facility gives us the perfect balance of warehousing and office space in a warm environment that is poised for growth and ready for the newly coming web store."

Several members of the 1-Source staff took a major part in implementing the move. One of them was Senior Account Manager Oscar Altindag who later commented, "I believe every single employee being involved in this move has given us purpose, goals, ambitions, and dreams."

The most complex and sensitive aspect of the move involved the installation of high-tech communications cables and equipment that will provide improved telephone and computer response. Although the switchover was quickly accomplished, there were some issues with the new telephone system which needed to be addressed. The fix took several days. Now that the phones are working correctly, 1-Source Electronic Components is officially relocated.

1-Source is a distributor of board-level electronic components and parts, such as transistors, capacitors, resistors, and connectors, in addition to raw materials such as sheet metal to manufacturers. Founded in 2001, 1-Source is now an international organization with its new headquarters in Yaphank, New York, USA.

For more information about 1-Source Electronic Components, call 1-800-966-8826 in the US or 1-631-624-2479 outside the US or visit the company's website at