Hitler cat finds a new home

Everyone needs love, even cats that look like Adolf Hitler.

Thankfully, there are people who can find it in their hearts to cherish this kind of feline regardless of the undeniable resemblance to the Nazi leader. English kitten, Kitler, who went unwanted for weeks at Wood Green Animal Shelter because the black fur patch below her nose evokes thoughts of Hitler’s distinctive creepy mustache, has finally found a family to love her.

Last week, The Telegraph reported that potential pet owners overlooked Kitler at the furry friends orphanage because the six-week old kitty lost the genetic lottery. (Nobody wants to adopt Hitler cat)

“Kitler is an adorable little girl who will make a wonderful addition to the right family,” spokeswoman Tara Dundon told the publication.

The nationwide awareness on Kitler’s situation inspired hundreds of adoption requests, according to the Wood Green blog.

“[W]e have been absolutely amazed at the response we’ve had – over 500 telephone calls and e mails from all over the world,” says the site.

Of the large pool of interested suitors, one family was accepted to take her in.

“We are delighted to say that we have now found a wonderful, loving home for Luminus [aka Kitler] and we hope this will be the start of a long and happy life for her, now that she has a second chance,” the site says.

Kitler has received an overwhelming number of re-homing offers since her unusual markings caught the attention of news outlets last week. According to the Wood Green blog, the black and white critter was dubbed “Kitler” and “Charlie Cat-lin” by media outlets even though she prefers to be called Luminous.

On July 22, the cat-turned-public figure was discovered near death on a roadside. A member of the public then brought the homeless kitty to Wood Green.

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