Israel’s New 767 “Air Force One” Has Flown Its First Prime Minister Transport Mission

First inside look at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's new VIP transport aircraft
First inside look at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's new VIP transport aircraft
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Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu took his first flight aboard the country’s “Air Force One” VIP aircraft today. The transport brought Netanyahu to Washington, D.C., marking his first trip to the U.S. capitol in almost four years.

Views from inside the aircraft, officially named the Wing of Zion which is operated by Squadron 120 of the Israeli Air Force, came as Netanyahu left Jerusalem, alongside his wife, Sara Netanyahu. The Prime Minister was also accompanied by an entourage of political and security aids, a press delegation, and several Israelis previously held hostage by Hamas.

Israeli Air Force One, a Modified Boeing 767-338ER Widebody-Twinjet Airliner, more commonly known as “Zion Wing” is preparing for its First Flight to the United States after entering Operational Service in Early 2024. Aboard is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as well…

— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender) July 22, 2024

#WATCH: Rescued hostage Noa Argamani boards the state plane Kanaf Zion (Wing of Zion) as she accompanies Prime Minister Netanyahu on his trip to the US together with the family members of hostages and bereaved families.

— Israel National News – Arutz Sheva (@ArutzSheva_En) July 22, 2024

Netanyahu’s inaugural flight aboard the aircraft follows the adapted Boeing 767-300ER’s first flight to the U.S. last week — transporting equipment needed for Netanyahu’s visit, alongside some members of his security delegation, before returning to Israel. Sending advanced teams and equipment ahead of high-profile visits by world leaders is common practice. In addition to the arrival of Israeli security personnel, the U.S. Capitol Police is also increasing law enforcement presence as Netanyahu visits Washington, D.C.

The aircraft, which The War Zone has previously profiled, was acquired secondhand having served with the Australian airline Qantas. Commissioned in 2014, it was received in Israel in 2016 and modified by Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI), which the company completed in 2019.

It boasts a number of key upgrades, including a comprehensive self-protection suite, which incorporates Elbit System’s laser-based C-MUSIC directional infrared countermeasure system. This installation is primarily located in a ventral canoe-like enclosure and is used for protection against heat-seeking anti-aircraft missiles. It works by detecting the incoming missile via electro-optical sensors that look in all directions and cues a turret that fires a modulated laser beam into the seeker head of the incoming weapon. This blinds and/or sends the missile off track, losing its lock. Other countermeasures and threat awareness systems are likely also installed. The aircraft is also hardened against cyber-attacks, and features secure satellite communications equipment.

In terms of other modifications, imagery released today shows Netanyahu and his wife sitting in a sizeable conference room, used for conducting meetings and briefings. Alongside the conference room, it also features a stateroom and private office.

Netanyahu on his inaugural flight on Wing of Zion, Israel's new Air Force One.

“I will tell my friends on both sides of the aisle that regardless who the American people choose as their next President, Israel remains America's indispensable and strong ally in the Middle East.”

— Jacob N. Kornbluh (@jacobkornbluh) July 22, 2024

Thanks to the accompaniment of journalists on the visit to Washington, we also have a detailed view of the press section of the aircraft, which can be seen below.

First look at the press section of Wing of Zion, the Israeli prime minister’s new official plane, which will be taking off for Washington in a half hour.

— Lazar Berman (@Lazar_Berman) July 22, 2024

Journalists working hard on Wing of Zion

— Lazar Berman (@Lazar_Berman) July 22, 2024

The journey to Netanyahu’s inaugural flight aboard the Wing of Zion has not been straightforward, it should be noted. For a time, during the interim administration of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett between 2021–2022, there was talk of selling off the aircraft. After being certified by Israel’s Civil Aviation Authority in late 2021, it was placed in prolonged storage in the summer of 2022 before returning to the skies in November of that year.

Netanyahu was supposed to take his inaugural flight aboard it in November 2023 to the United Nations climate summit COP28, but the trip was canceled due to the onset of Hammas’ attacks on Israel the month prior.

The program for modifying the aircraft has also run over budget, too. According to recent estimates, it is said to have cost Israel around NIS (New Israel Shekel) 750 million, or $207 million, far exceeding the original budget of NIS 393 million ($115 million).

<em>Unknown author</em>
Unknown author

In addition to serving as a key work-space for the Prime Minister, the aircraft also functions as an important national symbol, as is true of America’s Air Force One jets. Netanyahu’s visit to the U.S. comes as he looks to re-affirm Israeli-U.S. relations in light of noticeable frostiness between Jerusalem and Washington in recent months following pressure from the Biden administration for Netanyahu to resume talks on reaching a political agreement with the Palestinians, and a U.S. threat to withhold arms.

The trip is also overshadowed by President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw from the 2024 Presidential race yesterday. During his visit, Netanyahu is tentatively expecting to visit President Biden, who tested positive for COVID-19 on July 17, tomorrow, and will address Congress on Wednesday. Speaking to reporters prior to his departure earlier today, Netanyahu made clear his intentions to work with whoever is elected to the Presidency in November during his Congressional speech.

As I departed for the United States, I thanked President Biden for the many things he did for the State of Israel during the war and his years as President, Vice President, and Senator.

I look forward to my important meeting with the President.

The following are my remarks…

— Benjamin Netanyahu – בנימין נתניהו (@netanyahu) July 22, 2024

“I will tell my friends on both sides of the aisle that regardless who the American people choose as their next president, Israel remains America’s indispensable and strong ally in the Middle East,” he told journalists before taking off, Reuters reports.

“In this time of war and uncertainty it’s important that Israel’s enemies know that America and Israel stand together today, tomorrow and always,” Netanyahu said, adding he wanted to “anchor the bipartisan support that is so important for Israel.”

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