Jacky Rosen wins reelection, beating Republican Sam Brown in Nevada Senate race

Democratic Sen. Jacky Rosen won reelection in the battleground state of Nevada, overcoming a challenge by Republican Sam Brown.

Rosen, who was first elected in 2018, used her sizable cash advantage over Brown to run ads framing her opponent as an anti-abortion extremist and political carpetbagger who only moved to the state in 2018.

While she campaigned alongside Kamala Harris in Nevada, Rosen skipped Democrats’ national convention and focused her campaign on her ability to work across the aisle with Republicans — a key position in a state where a third of voters are registered independents.

Brown, a combat veteran who lost a primary for the state’s other Senate seat two years ago, struggled to keep pace with Rosen’s fundraising and received comparatively little support from his national party in the race.