Jailed Riverdale High School girls soccer coach faces statutory rape charges

Riverdale High School head girls soccer coach Nathan Sweet faces two counts of statutory rape by an authority figure and sexual exploitation of a minor charges, confirmed Rutherford County law enforcement and school spokespersons.

Detectives investigating the case arrested Sweet Monday night, confirmed Lisa Marchesoni, the spokeswoman for the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office who also verified the charges.

Sweet is being held on $75,000 bond at Rutherford County Adult Detention Center. He is scheduled to appear in General Sessions Court Aug. 6 at the Rutherford County Judicial Center in downtown Murfreesboro, Marchesoni said.

Riverdale's head soccer coach Nathan Sweet on the sideline during a soccer match between Riverdale and Siegel at Riverdale on Thursday, Aug. 31, 2023. FILE HELEN COMER/The Daily News Journal
Riverdale's head soccer coach Nathan Sweet on the sideline during a soccer match between Riverdale and Siegel at Riverdale on Thursday, Aug. 31, 2023. FILE HELEN COMER/The Daily News Journal

Rutherford County Schools suspended Sweet without pay pending the outcome of the criminal investigation, which is standard procedure, district spokesperson James Evans said.

Sweet also has served as an instructional coach at Riverdale on the southside of Murfreesboro. The district hired him in February 2014.

"A review of his personnel file shows no prior disciplinary issues," Evans said.

Reach reporter Scott Broden with news tips or questions by emailing him at sbroden@dnj.com. To support his work with The Daily News Journal, sign up for a digital subscription.

This article originally appeared on Murfreesboro Daily News Journal: Jailed Riverdale HS girls soccer coach faces statutory rape charges