Jury delivers quick verdict in case of VIP casino guest against Biloxi’s Beau Rivage

The Beau Rivage has won a civil case against a former VIP guest who wanted $2.5 million in damages after claiming his hand was injured and he was humiliated when security handcuffed him and escorted him across the casino floor.

Florida resident Brent Nettles claimed security officers used excessive force when they made the citizen’s arrest for trespassing because, they said, he was drunk and refused to leave.

The jury reached its verdict after three and one-half days at trial in U.S. District Court in Gulfport before Judge Taylor McNeel.

“Both we and our client are very pleased with the verdict,” Beau Rivage attorney Michael Kelly said. “We think we had a great judge and a great jury and they reached the right result.”

Beau Rivage communications director Mary Cracchiolo noted the jury deliberated for less than an hour and credited the resort’s legal team, Robert Addison and Kelly, both of Thompson Addison in Madison, with handling the case.

“Today’s verdict and the success the Beau and Thompson Addison have achieved together for many years should be a clear indication that our team will continue to vigorously defend against these meritless cases,” she said.

Casino guest unable to prove case

Nettles had claimed he had a permanent tremor in his left hand because security cuffed him too tightly with plastic ties. He also said that he was falsely imprisoned. Security took the handcuffed Nettles to a holding room and belted him to a bench until Biloxi police arrived.

The trespassing charge against him was eventually dismissed.

But, as Kelly told the jury, Nettles was unable to produce any medical proof that the handcuffs had caused his hand tremor. Attorneys for the Beau also told the jury the casino had every right to make a citizen’s arrest after Nettles refused to leave.

Nettles tried to convince security that he should be allowed to stay and switch from drinking alcohol to water, but they insisted he go. Surveillance video showed he was about to walk out of the Eight 75 lounge, just off the casino floor, but turned around and headed back toward the bar. Nettles claimed he was returning to pay his bar tab.

A regular visitor, Nettles had arrived with his family at Beau’s invitation in March 2022. He was drinking at the bar with his wife and parents after losing $5,000 while gambling.