Kamala Harris, power-hungry Democrats real threat to democracy

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Democrats are real power-monger

Donald Trump has been called "a threat to democracy."

The real threat? The power-mongers of the Democratic Party who for three years have worked very hard to conceal the fact that President Joe Biden is physically and mentally incapable of executing the office of president of the United States.

Once our current president walked out on that debate stage one month ago, not even MSNBC, CNN or The View could cover for him anymore.

Cartoons react to debate: Should Joe get out? 9 cartoons on aftermath of Biden's debate with Donald Trump

If that had not been seen by the entire world, there would not be 30 some Congressional members, including Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown, asking for him to step down.

A threat to democracy? Fourteen million Americans voted for Joe Biden to be their party's nominee and the power people in the Democratic party want him to bail?

Get the popcorn out. Just like the Democratic Convention in 1968, this one will be must-see TV.

Be sure and watch this fight as well as the Democratic platform: Abortion and Trump derangement syndrome.

Stan Fulk, Dublin

Trump behaves like my 6-year-old grandchild

Listening to former President Donald Trump’s convention speech reminded me of my 6-year-old grandchild, who can start off being sweet and engaging in normal behavior, and as time goes on, he becomes self-indulgent and undisciplined.

My grandson, when he is president, will have learned appropriate behavior; Trump will never have it learnt.

Michael Oser, Columbus

This article originally appeared on The Columbus Dispatch: Kamala Harris, Democrats lied to us. Biden always incapable.