Key terms and business

Jul. 1—Air Force Research Laboratory: The primary scientific research and development center for the Department of the Air Force, whose mission is to discover develop and integrate affordable warfighting technologies for air, space and cyberspace forces. The lab is spread across the country and has multiple directorates. Two directorates, Space Vehicles and Directed Energy, are based in Albuquerque on Kirtland Air Force Base.

Gross domestic product: The monetary value of final goods and services — those that are bought by the final user — produced in a country or state in a given period of time.

Infinity Water Solutions: A Texas-based sustainability company focused on green infrastructure and water recycling in the Permian Basin. It is planning to greatly grow its footprint in New Mexico in the coming years.

Los Alamos National Laboratory: A multi-program, federally funded research and development center for the National Nuclear Security Administration of the U.S. Department of Energy. It serves as a nuclear weapons design agency and a nuclear weapons production agency; addressing nuclear threats; and performing national security science, technology, and engineering. It was created in 1943 to conduct scientific research for the Manhattan Project, an effort that developed the world's first atomic bomb.

New Mexico State Investment Council: Manages the investments of New Mexico permanent funds. Assets under its management are around $53 billion.

Re-shoring: The process of moving production and manufacturing operations from offshore locations back to a company's home country.

Sandia National Laboratories: A contractor for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration in Albuquerque on Kirtland Air Force Base. It provides scientific and technology support to national security programs, including developing technologies to sustain, modernize and protect the nuclear arsenal.

Verus Research: Albuquerque-based company of scientists and research engineers who specialize in advanced electromagnetic simulation and analysis, microwave system modeling, design andimplementation, nuclear systems analysis and radiation effects, multidisciplinary systems integration and other specialties.