Kris Humphries advised to settle case with Kim after Myla pregnancy row

Washington, July 10 (ANI): Kris Humphries' attorneys have advised him to settle his divorce case with Kim Kardashian, after news of his short term girl friend Myla Sinanaj's pregnancy surfaced. Humphries' inability to be honest about his alleged relationship with Sinanaj has wreaked havoc on his ongoing divorce proceedings with his estranged-wife. The NBA star will be asking Sinanaj, whom he accused of trying to extort him, to take a paternity test. "He will ask for a paternity test when the baby is born. He had been claiming that their relationship was pretty casual, that she was a 'booty call' girl," Radar Online quoted a source as telling the New York Post. "Kris' lies have severely damaged his divorce case against Kim Kardashian. If he had just been honest with his lawyer about his relationship with Myla, he wouldn't be in this position now. "Kris is now being advised to settle with Kim and move on. Proving that the marriage was fraudulent, and he got duped into it will be a very, very hard argument to win at trial. Kris is still hell bent on going to trial. He wants to publicly humiliate Kim as much as possible. What Kris doesn't seem to grasp is that he could end up paying for Kim's legal fees if the judge rules against him. Kris needs to let go and move on, he says he has done so, but he clearly hasn't," the source added. Sinanaj is scheduled to be deposed in the bitter divorce battle in the next two weeks. "Once Myla is formally deposed, the writing will literally be on the wall for Kris to settle. She will be asked about her feelings about Kris' lawyer tellling the FBI that she was trying to extort him. "There will be other details revealed that will further damage Kris' credibility. Myla didn't deserve to be treated like this, the sad thing is that she truly loves him, even after all of this," the source said. (ANI)