Legal skirts fly over Marilyn Monroe hologram

The world’s most famous blonde bombshell, Marilyn Monroe, may not rise from the dead after all.

Digicon Media may get slapped with a lawsuit over the use of a holographic version of Marilyn Monroe the company created for an upcoming performance, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The hologram was invented to be used during “Virtual Marilyn Live – A Musical Celebration of the Birth of the Pop Icon,” a concert planned for the end of 2012.

Legal issues arose when Digicon Media received a cease-and-desist letter from the estate of Marilyn Monroe claiming that “Virtual Marilyn” infringed upon its intellectual property and demanded a stop to the use of any marks, names, logos and designs that were based upon the identity and persona of Monroe.

Digicon Media, which currently holds a copyright on “Virtual Marilyn,” claimed that the hologram is discernibly different from the Monroe that died in 1962. Therefore, the company insists that it is not in violation of intellectual property rights.

An arising trend of Hollywood icons as holograms began three months ago when a hologram of Tupac Shakur joined performers Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg on stage at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival.

Elvis Presley, Jimi Hendrix, and The Doors will also come back to life in the near future, according to Billboard. Elvis Presley Enterprises granted Digital Domain Media Group permission to use Presley’s image for a hologram. Janie Hendrix, sister to the rocker, has been working with Musion Systems for a year to create an authentic version of the star.

In the meantime, the Monroe estate is closely watching Digicon Media and will take further legal action if the hologram is used publicly.

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