Letter: Don’t let members of Congress play games with legislation

It’s a political game played by both parties. A piece of legislation is introduced to address a critical issue. It contains many positive parts. Unfortunately, the legislation was not written to solve the problem but to unquestionably fail in order to make the other party look bad while making their party look good.

The most recent example is the 2024 Senate immigration bill. It addresses many problems associated with our borders and includes positive steps to rectify some of them. However, it also contains parts guaranteed to make it fail.

The ideal situation would be to have all immigrants come through the ports of entry, which would permit extensive vetting while drastically reducing the number of got-aways. This bill contains wording that would allow massive illegal crossings in perpetuity, over 1 million a year, forever.

This one item guaranteed failure. This type of legislation is common, especially in election years.

Next time you hear about legislation that fails, make sure you know all the facts before coming to any conclusions. Don’t be fooled by the highlighted good and deliberately hidden bad.

Washington has become very good at playing this game.

David Breen

Exeter Township