Letter: Note candidates’ platforms before deciding how to vote

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I know the writer of “Ready for role” (July 11), which focused on the role local Latinos may play in deciding the presidential election in Pennsylvania, was not advocating for convicted felon former President Donald Trump, but it felt a little like that. Most of us are frustrated with our options.

At this point I am voting for a platform, not a person. I am voting against the de facto Republican platform, Project 2025, which describes cutting social programs and giving the money to billionaires, causing more poverty. Is this the economy people long for?

Are Republicans willing to solve the immigration problem reasonably? The wall didn’t work, and Mexico didn’t pay for it, American citizens did. Now Trump wants to use the military to round people up for deportation. This sounds like fascism.

On abortion, as a woman I would never take voting advice from a church with zero women in positions where decisions are made. Leaders there draw a hard line at conception and then dance around the (irreconcilable) problems of rape and women’s health, which appears to matter so tragically little to them. With so many safe medical interventions available, why the medieval thinking? Why are women being airlifted out of states where abortion is banned to blue states for later-in-pregnancy, lifesaving medical care? Is this morally responsible? Is this fiscally responsible? Because it sounds terrifying.

With Project 2025, we will have to worry about losing IVF and birth control too.

Please vote for the better platform.

Susan Edelman
