Letters to the editor: Don't choose a dictator; flag quandary; voting is key

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Democracy or dictatorship?

Yes, President Biden is old. Yes, he sometimes stutters. Yes, he may occasionally lose his train of thought. But in the end, he makes good decisions that benefit the entire county. And he speaks the truth. He surrounds himself with smart, experienced, thoughtful people.

By contrast, Donald Trump can barely put together a coherent sentence. (Try reading one of his speeches.) He knows no history. He doesn’t understand the Constitution. He ignores the balance of power established in the three co-equal branches of government. He almost never tells the truth. His decisions only benefit him and the wealthy few who contribute to him (pay him off). He’s a convicted felon. He’s been convicted of sexual assault and defamation of character. He tried to overthrow our government. He wants to be king for life with no oversight by anyone or anything. He surrounds himself with sycophants who pander to his every whim and, like him, make decisions to benefit themselves.

For me, this election is an easy choice: democracy or dictatorship. Don’t believe me, read Project 2025. It’s available on Amazon.

Pat Butler, Ventura

Best to stick to government flags

To all city, county, state, and federal agencies who flew the rainbow Pride flag during the month of June, you’ve set yourself up for unintended consequences. A unanimous U.S. Supreme Court decision (Shurtleff v. Boston) ruled that if a government entity flies the flag of one particular group, then it must make that flagpole available to any other group or association who asks for their flag to be flown. As examples, if gun owners were to request the NRA flag to be flown, these government agencies would be obligated to do so; if a local Jewish group asks that the Star of David flag be displayed, it would have to hoisted; if a Christian church requested that the Christian flag be raised (the basis of Shurtleff v. Boston), it would have to be flown.

It’s probably best that government flagpoles display just government flags and nothing else.

Jeffrey Herman, Port Hueneme

Voting is only solution to issues

The Equal Rights Amendment turned 60 this year. Women, people of color, the LGBT community, and those who live below the poverty line have never enjoyed the same rights as wealthy white men.

Land of the free, home of the brave can’t be true until all citizens are treated equitably. Justice for all won’t be true until the Supreme Court has the same oversight as the other branches of government. Women have lost their right to body autonomy, and the court has decided there is someone above the law.

There is only one solution to all the problems our nation faces, all who are eligible must vote in the upcoming elections. Local and state elections are every bit as important as the national election. The only way the promise of the U.S. is fulfilled, will be by the people exercising their right to vote.

Carol Brock, Ventura

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Letters: Don't choose a dictator; flag quandary; voting is key