Letters to the editor: Unleashed dogs at SLO’s Meadow Park are a menace | Opinion

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Beware of (unleashed) dogs

“Leash is law” is a phrase printed on free leashes distributed throughout the city of San Luis Obispo. Despite this, Meadow Park continues to be overrun by dogs off leash as well as dogs with a history of aggression.

Recently, a man at the park lost control of his aggressive pit bull and it immediately tackled my dog and pinned her to the ground. This dog was mere seconds away from causing serious damage before its owner finally was able to pull his dog off of mine. I feel fortunate that my dog was not bitten, but my neighbor wasn’t as lucky.

In 2022, her Shiba Inu was so viciously attacked at Meadow Park, it required surgery to fix its injuries. I have filed a complaint with Animal Services but I feel like that is not enough. Dog owners should be concerned that their dog could be the next victim and prevent incidents by keeping their dogs on leash and using discretion before bringing aggressive dogs to a park with other dogs.

M. Newman

San Luis Obispo

One-sided reporting

SLO County beach town exploring proposal for an offshore wind port” (sanluisobispo.com, July 24)

I don’t believe I have ever read such a biased, one-sided account of a critical government hearing as the one published on July 24, regarding plans for an industrial port at Port San Luis. The writer quoted pro-wind politicians who didn’t even attend the meeting, as well the corporate developer, about how great it will be to industrialize the harbor to support of offshore wind energy, but failed to mention the dozens of concerned individuals who actually spoke out against the proposal at the July 23 meeting.

Speakers included fishermen, members of the YTT Chumash tribe, business owners and residents of Avila Beach, environmental activists and local groups opposed to offshore wind who presented numerous compelling arguments against the proposal. It is a sad day to see The Tribune churning out deceptive marketing pieces disguised as news and elevating the corporate/government agenda while completely ignoring the voices and concerns of ordinary people.

Nicole Dorfman

Morro Bay

Are you pulling my leg?

The ‘olds’ had a good run. It’s time to make way for Kamala and the Khive” (sanluisobispo.com, July 24)

“Luckily, now we have a role model we can follow in President Joe Biden.”

Are you serious? But assuming you’re not pulling everyone’s leg: Tell me why I should vote Democratic. Tough question, no one has been able to give me an answer for over 10 years. Start with “we know how to spend your money better than you do:, and take it from there.

J. Paul


What version of America do you want?

A society engineered by a minority of retrograde white men who use fear, intimidation, lies, political violence and manipulation of democratic traditions to dominate? A place where women, people of color and those who differ from the expected are attacked, denigrated and lose basic human and political rights? A nation where we are divided from each other with limited opportunities for those who aren’t like them?

And most of us aren’t like them. What does this version of America offer the rest of us?

Or an America where diversity is recognized as our biggest advantage, a nation able to draw from the talents and insights of all its people, whose different experiences and traditions lend richness and strength to our culture? A civil, forward-looking society whose political and economic structures encourage widespread participation, contribution and opportunity?

I want to live in the second America. So I’m championing Kamala Harris, a woman of color, for the leadership of our country. She represents a better future for all of us and is working to realize that vision in tandem with Joe Biden, who in stepping aside for her proved the health of the nation is more important to him than personal gain.

Linda Baker


Never again

We now have the almost unimaginable contrast between (1) a man who has served this country well for these past four years and who now has graciously acknowledged that, through no fault of his own, he is no longer fit for the awesome burdens of his office, and (2) the aspirant who (though barely worthy to even take up space on this fragile planet) we could never imagine making such a sacrifice, not even if he were already in an orange prison suit.

Hopefully, we will never again find ourselves with such a choice.

Gene Strohl

San Luis Obispo