Letters: Matt Gaetz moves from privatizing beaches to endangered whale annihilation

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Opinions expressed in Letters to the Editor are those of our readers and not the Pensacola News Journal. In order for letters to be considered for publication, they must be 250 words or less and include name, a full address and phone number. Only your name and city of residence will be published. Email submissions to opinion@pnj.com.

Gaetz moving from privatizing beaches to whale annihilation

It seems that our plucky member of Congress thinks he is Captain Ahab. He wants to rid the seas of those troublesome whales. The Navy hasn’t asked for any help, nor has the Air Force asked, but “Pearly” Gaetz stands on the deck of the Pequade yelling, “There she blows.” First, he wanted to privatize our beaches, now he wants to wipeout something that doesn’t bother anyone but him. I guess the killer manatees will be next.

Dave Walby, Gulf Breeze

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Priorities need to be set with Jesus

Asked recently what my goal is now, this nonagenarian responded, “The same as when first born again, i.e., to manifest the reconciliation of man to God, to expand God’s family.”

Jesus said in the greatest book ever to be written, not to be superseded, “Ye must be born again.” That means get priorities straight, make Jesus lord and savior. Doing this gives a peace that passes all understanding, insuring a home in eternity with him, creator of Heaven and Earth! Experiencing the new birth is the most important decision one can make.

The desire to grow in the lord by daily Bible reading, god’s love letter to all, is exciting and a practice to be desired. To know there is one who cares for us no matter what happens, who loves us more than anyone else could because of his sacrifice, praise god! He loves you, died for you.

Easter was celebrated recently, and Christmas will be here before we realize it. No doubt about it, priorities should be, if not already, set. You’ll never regret settling where you’ll spend eternity. I’ve chosen Heaven with Jesus, not Hell with Satan. Hallelujah!

God bless us all as only He can. Are you ready? He could be coming “Soon and very soon,” as Andrew Crouch used to sing. Maranatha!

Chrys Holley, Milton

SRIA should ban smoking on Pensacola Beach

Does the Santa Rosa Island Authority have plans to ban smoking or more strictly enforce cannabis violations? It's almost impossible to visit the beach now and breathe clean air. Gov. DeSantis signed a bill that would allow smoking to be made illegal on public beaches, but it is at the discretion of local authorities.

Anson Terrell, Gulf Breeze

Be wary of products introduced into food supply

With food inflation out of control, we have started to watch how we spend our dollars more closely. We found one grocery store sold our favorite pizza for $11, and another for $8!

Spoiled produce has always been frustrating, then we found Apeel. There are two products available for after harvest, Edipeel for non-organic produce and Organipeel for organic produce. These products cannot be washed off. Both contain monoglycerides and diglycerides, which are heavily processed, chemically-laced seed oil byproducts that contain trans fats. Trans fats were banned by the FDA in 2018 but these chemicals are a loophole.

We were not excited to be eating this stuff, so we have been buying non-GMO (genetically modified organism) locally grown organic product. Now we have learned the FDA has approved a new class of pesticides harnessing RNA interference—or RNAi. These pesticides can genetically modify organisms in the open environment.

There is a real risk of unintended effects on non-target species, human health, and the integrity of organic and non-GMO agriculture. It is well known that GMO corn can infect non-GMO corn if it is nearby. What about corn that is used for animal feed and what is being introduced into our food supply?

Bill Meyers, Pensacola

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Donald Trump earned his new title

Today, May 30, 2024, in a Manhattan courtroom, former president Donald J. Trump got a title he so richly deserves: Felon.

Presley Harper, Pensacola

Code of honor won’t allow a Trump vote

I served honorably in the U.S. Army (in Vietnam) and I had to swear to uphold the army’s Honor Code. That code says that “I will not lie, cheat or steal and I will not tolerate those who do”. This is a plain and simple code that forbids me from voting for Donald Trump (or even trying to tolerate him).

I ask all of you readers to remember that the honor and values that we love about this America are up for grabs, and I urge you to start working now to dump Donald J. Trump out of our lives.  There are several, honorable, Republicans who can easily get more votes than DJT can, and I suggest both Speaker Johnson and Liz Cheney.

Please put your voice and wallet to work to rebuild the honor and respect that the world has for this country.

Jeffrey Elliot, Pensacola

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This article originally appeared on Pensacola News Journal: Letters: Gaetz moves from privatizing beaches to endangered whales