Letters: Pensacola’s Mayoki Indians tribe should not be shamed by feigned moral outrage

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Mayoki tribe should not be shamed by feigned moral outrage

Regarding the ‘Mayoki tribe is indigenous appropriation’ letter from June 30:

Not long ago, I taught an IT course in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, capital of the Cherokee Nation and home to the Riverhawks of Northeastern State University. Every member of the class was Cherokee.

I noticed the word ‘Redmen’ in brick work on campus. I asked my class about it. I was astounded to learn that "Redmen" had been the 'mascot' of the university's athletic teams, that every person in the class was very proud to be a 'Redman', and there was a tremendous amount of resentment over being forced to change to 'Riverhawks’.

One gentleman in the class, using colorful language, proudly embraced the mascot 'Redmen' and pointed out that they, in fact, were the 'Native Americans' who were supposedly being offended.

It seems to me that, like the 'Redmen' mascot, the Mayoki tribe hurts no one except a few folks who have decided to be offended about something that many enjoy. Apparently, there is nothing quite so much fun as raining on someone else's parade.

As far as I'm concerned, I think it's OK to pretend to be 'Indians' for Mardi Gras. It's OK to pretend to be pirates, or the cast of the Blues Brothers. It doesn't hurt or insult anyone. It's just fun.

It's not OK to take the fun out of a wonderful event with feigned moral outrage. If you don't enjoy the event or are so offended by the Mayoki tribe that you can't tolerate it, then stay home. Everyone else can have a good time.

William Garner, Molino

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Finding a new career path more difficult than ever

Trying a new career was quite fun until a no longer employed district manager fired me for asking about a strange language written on a Pringles can. With no good reason, she fired three white males before me every month for four months.

Probably it was just that time of the month for each of us. So, I file for unemployment and find out the government hasn’t raised its weekly benefit amount, but wages have almost doubled due to the minimum wage act. So, with 1940 wages we get chicken feed, slim pickings, EBT and the possibility of living in your car under the bridge, while the government gets a vacation and laughs all the way to the bank.

What’s even funnier is that all these managers drive big trucks to and fro from their houses to work. Trucks that should be used to haul back-hoes or equipment. In fact, you could carpool all the employees and liquor stock with one of these gas/diesel pigs. And yet we wonder why there is global warming.

I recall during the June/July of COVID there was no body driving and the sea temperature was 20 degrees cooler. You try and tell one of these morons this and like a good Republican, they go into denial - or I should say stick their heads into the ground like an ostrich.

Sterling A. Leonard, Pensacola

Supreme Court’s shameful immunity ruling is biased and harmful

The Supreme Court’s decision that a president is immune from "official" actions is wrong, deluded, un-American, and so totally biased that it makes me sick. Did they not see what ‘Mar-a-Lago boy’ did to bring folks to D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021?

Did they not see and hear what he and others said on the day? Did they not understand that this coward stayed holed up in a dining room for over three hours and did nothing while his mob attacked our Nation’s Capital and sought to prevent the peaceful transition of power to Joe Biden because he had the audacity to beat Mar a Lago boy in a free and honest and fair election?

I am ashamed of this court. I am ashamed of the blatant effort by six of them to bend the law to benefit a person who is not only unfit for the office of president, but is a criminal and a traitor to this nation.

Sadly, the court will not help us. It is up to us - the people of America - to do the right thing and vote Joe Biden to a second term to send Mar-a-Lago boy packing. Just like we did in 2020, only this time it’s for good.

We are better than this. Most of us are honest enough to know a mistake when we see one, and the Supreme Court’s mistake (save for the three that dissented) is not only wrong, but harmful.

John King, Pensacola

Republicans are not ‘ban’ crazy, just morally strong

Mr. Thomas Johnson is a bit misinformed. I think he's drunk on the Kool-Aid of the exposed and proven liars of the mainstream media.

Republicans, at the national level, at which level the Supreme Court has offended him, do not want to ban abortion, but to return its regulation to the state where the Constitution places it.  If he wishes to use due process to change that, he may start a national movement for a Constitutional amendment.

Not just Republicans, but conservatives want to keep pornographic material out of elementary and secondary schools, not "ban books," an expressed accusation that has no boundaries.

There has been not one word spoken by any Republican or conservative about banning immigration. We want to stop the flow of illegals, among whom are terrorists, human smugglers, criminals, psychopathic violent criminals, and enough fentanyl to kill ever human in the United States many times over.

Republicans are not attempting, nor do they want, to "ban LGBTQ people"; they don't believe it is moral, healthy, for positively formative for grade schoolers to be exposed to drag queens in their schools.

The jury's out on marijuana. Admittedly its legalization for legitimate medical purposes is a boon to a group of individuals, but there are medically and socially documented dark sides to its legalization.

Democrats are as ardent redistricting advocates as Republicans. Both parties are motivated both by changing demographics and by politics. This one's a draw.

It's too bad nobody can ban the conscientiously ignorant.

Bernard Sullivan, Pensacola

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It’s hard vote for any Republican in 2024

Well folks, it’s all downhill to the finish line.

My friends know that for 80 years I have been a political cross between a New York liberal Republican and an old-fashioned, conservative Montana Blue-Dog Democrat. I vote the issues, not the candidate and I beg, plead and ask you to do the same.

Before you make a final decision, read the first 68 pages of Liz Cheney’s book Oath and Honor – A memoir and a Warning. Every word can be independently verified. She doesn’t throw temper tantrums.  She doesn’t use name calling. She deals in cold, hard facts. “Read ‘em and weep”.

If you can read and understand the contents of this book, you will understand why you should not vote for any Republican this year. You may not like the alternatives. If you don’t like them, you can write in a name. For me, that name might just be Liz Cheney’s.

Jeffrey Elliot, Pensacola

A Trump victory means the death of democracy

Kari Lake, Republican candidate for Arizona Senate, suggested that we strap Glock pistols on for the 2024 election. I sometimes think that Jan. 6 was the first battle of a civil war and that the 2024 election will be the second battle.

Kari Lake will rally the Trump troops, pistol, helmet, bandoliers, armor and all. Matt Gaetz will be "Standing back and standing by, Mr. President" to make war on democracy. "It will be a blood bath," according to Trump. According to Trump aide Steve Bannon, now in prison, it will be "Victory or Death.” Victory or Death to be sure.

A victory for Trump will be the death of democracy. I do hope that those who now support Trump will understand the seriousness of this kind of political gangsterism and vote for democracy and not dictatorship.

David Venn, Cantonment

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This article originally appeared on Pensacola News Journal: Letters: Mayoki tribe should not be shamed by feigned moral outrage